30 dic 2012

Do you think unemployment is the worst worrying problem in Spain today? (corrected)

Unemployment is a reality in Spain. Since a couple of years unemployment figures started to increase and, nowadays, they continue increasing exponentially. Last month the number of unemployed people was nearly five million. In my opinion, unemployment is the worst worrying problem in Spain.

Firstly, it’s a fact that the actual policies aren’t helping unemployment figures to stop increasing, actually, they’re making dismissals cheaper and easier. Secondly, I think that unemployment affects all of us: it has created a lost generation of teenagers, they don’t have any objectives because they can’t find a job; and there’s also people in their fifties that are being dismissed and, because of their age, won’t be contracted again because businessmen prefer younger people.
Some people would say that these policies aren’t bad, because it makes it  easier for businessmen  to have their business and make them grow putting an end to the crisis that is desolating Spain. But, the truth is that these policies are doing nothing more than sinking the country more and more.

In conclusion, I think that we have to change radically the policies in order not to lose the welfare state and put an end to this crisis.


5 comentarios:

  1. I agree with what you have written, however, I will like to know how are we going to make that radical change which you are talking about. It's true Spain is in a tragic situation, we all know that. What this country needs are measures to solve the problem. MORE ACTION.
    PDS; good essay leo (;

  2. Very good. I'm some agree with you Leo, but I'm worried about the radical change that you want, do you want the anarchy? Also, what laws and measures do you that politicians have to do? I think that measures done aren't enough but criticise is easy and find solutions not.

  3. Good essay. I agree too with you Leo, we must change the policies that are doing nothing.
    This discussion is about policy and I'm not going to discuss about that, the essay is good enough and his content too.

  4. In my view, your essay is excellent. I agree with you: the actual policies should be changed, and we have to find solutions in order to stop the crisis. As you say, this problem affects all of us, and that's why I think that we all have to be aware of it.

  5. I agree with you Leo. I think that the spanish government, as an interventionist state, isn't doing its labour correctly. It has been demonstrated that these policies aren't actually working as they should (in fact, they are aggravating the situation more and more). We can only have patience and wait for a better government whith better measures. If not, it seems like the only way to survive is emigrating to Germany. So I think it's time to start learning german...
