27 dic 2012

Body image

Nowadays what appears on TV has a big influence in our lives. For example, the media shows us an image of the body that makes us think we should be like what they show. In my view, we should try to overlook all this, and maybe this way we would be a bit happier with ourselves.

Firstly, in most advertisements we see gorgeous girls, who usually don’t wear many clothes, so we can see their perfect bodies that make us wish we could be like them. Secondly, in my opinion, supermodels are really skinny, and this fact is the cause of many anorexia cases in young girls. Even though we normally believe these things only affect girls, we are clearly wrong: men who spend all day at the gym and eat products to be stronger are an evidence of this.

To sum up, I believe we should start doing something about it, like teaching our children not to pay attention to what they see in magazines, newspapers, on TV, etc. because as far as this topic is concerned, they don’t show things as they actually are.  

Patricia Marra-López 2A

3 comentarios:

  1. I also think the media is the main cause of obsessive behaviours related to physical appearance. Moreover, it's obvious that something must be done about it, and as you say, I think that bringing our children up well should be the first step to finish with this problem.

  2. You have the whole reason, nowadays on television advertising is the most watched media worldwide, making the ads we see affect us more. But I believe that every person has to be sufficiently capable of feeling happy with the body that has. In my opinion, they want to teach a perfect body to us but that really they do not even have. Definitively what really matters is the interior!

  3. I completely agree with you Patri! TV and magazines have a big influence in our lives, and people want to change their body image to look like models, for example. Moreover, as you say we have to teach our children not to pay attention to what they see in magazines, etc.
