2 mar 2013



  • Bring a mobile phone into an exam room
  • Bring in phones and electronic communication devices
  • Ear-pieces with concealed digital music players / Concealed ear-pieces
  • Misuse mobiles
  • Use unauthorized items / a mobile phone
  • Cheat by using mobile phones or other technology
  • Text friends with answers
  • Ink you arm
  • Passhandwritten notes underneath a desk
  • Plagiarize from the internet
  • Access/ peek at notes/ stored information on a cellphone
  • Search the internet for answers
  • Smuggle/sneak banned items/mobile phones and mp3 players into exams- usar a escondidas, introducir clandestinamente
  • Take advantage of the iPhone – aprovecharse del iPhone
  • Store notes/ information on mobile phones
  • Help out a friend
  • Ignore bans on mobile phone use at school
  • Preventthem from cheating in exams- impedir/evitar que hagan trampas en los examenes
  • Prevent the use of technology in exams – impedir el uso de…
  • Decrease the opportunities forstudents to cheat- hacer que reduzcan /disminuyan las posibilidades de copiar
  • Present  a set of guidelines for kids to follow / for taking tests and writing papers – una serie de directrices…
  • Rules on not bringing mobiles into exam halls
  • Take a zero-tolerance approach- tomar / adoptar un enfoque/política de tolerancia cero
  • Give a wake–up call for educators and parents – dar una llamada de atención a…
  • The jamming of signals- interferencia de señales
  • Exam halls could have CCTV cameras installed- instalar cámaras cctv (cámaras de circuito cerrado de televisión en las salas de examenes)
  • Detection equipment to trace/ track down devices - equipos de detección para localizar dispositivos
  • Catchimpersonators- pillar a los suplantadores
  • Losemarks/  Have marks docked bajar la nota / perder puntos
  • Be disqualified / disciplinedfor malpractice- ser eliminado/ sancionado por negligencia
  • Be issued with / be givena warning / Issue / hand out warnings / penalties for malpractice- dar una advertencia/imponer sanciones
  • Receive penalties / See penalties issued for malpractice/ infringement of the regulation- recibir una sanción por no cumplir con una norma.
  • Exam cheat equipment – equipo/ equipamiento para hacer trampas en un examen
  • A tool at one’s disposal – una herramienta a tu disposición
  • Cheat on an exam – hacer trampas en un examen
  • Mobiles provide internet access- …tienen/permiten accesso a internet
  • Tackling cheats who try to use mobile phones – hacer frente a los tramposos…
  • These electronic devices / Other types of electronic devices allow candidates to receive information
  • Commonly used– más usados
  • Can be used wirelessly- usados de manera inalámbrica
  • Sit/ take  an exam- examinarse, hacer un examen
  • Be of use to students wanting/who want to cheat – ser de utilidad
  • Candidates who are caught/ found using a mobile phone - … pillados usando..
  • Get on the internet- conseguir de internet
  • Overallqualification- cualificación global
  • Candidate malpractice/ mala praxis, negligencia del candidato
  • Disruptivebehavior- comportamiento perturbador, disruptivo
  • Minor illness like a cold- enfermedad leve, sin importancia.
  • Sneaky students- furtivo, escurridizo
  • Be hesitant about cheating – se lo pensarán más antes de copiar
  • Exam hall aula de examenes
  • Admit to having cheated / stored information/using the internet to cheat- admitir haber…
  • Lack of appropriate invigilationvigilancia, supervisión de examen

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