3 mar 2013


Types of Discrimination That Exist at the Workplace

Discrimination in the workplace is an unfortunate reality for many workers. Whether it is based on hostility or ignorance of co-workers, or on the intransigence of outmoded infrastructure or company policies, discrimination can lead to various difficulties for its victims, ranging from unfairly low pay to fear of reprisals to discomfort in the presence of employers or co-workers who are prejudiced against them. 


Racial discrimination occurs in the workplace whenever an employee is treated differently because of his race. This can include lower pay, denial of promotion, assignment to less desirable jobs, harassment or inappropriate humor. While some behaviors or policies are clearly discriminatory, acts, comments, or decisions that are more subtle are often more problematic. It is quite possible, and even common, for racially tinged acts and comments to be couched in good-natured banter or hidden in acts that seem perfectly acceptable. Sometimes people act in discriminatory ways without even being aware of it. Training in the problems of racism in the workplace can sometimes help to make employees more aware of its insidious effects. 

Sexual Orientation

Discrimination against individuals for their sexual orientation is common both in the workplace and out. It is particularly ironic that this should be such a problem in a workplace, since by definition a person's sex life should not be part of a workplace, unless they are working in a very unusual workplace. Until quite recently, it was perfectly legal and even acceptable to mock people for their sexual orientation. Laws and times have changed, but many people's attitudes have not, leading to a cultural gap between people of differing sexualities who are insisting, sometimes quite loudly, on their rights, and another population who believes that they are "wrong" or "sick" due to their personal lifestyle choices. 


Gender discrimination usually takes place against women, although it can occur against men as well. Women are frequently underestimated and under-appreciated in the workplace, and in particularly egregious cases of discrimination can be mocked, insulted, and even physically attacked and raped. Like racism, the more mild forms of sexism are not always evident, and may be camouflaged in the guise of humor. The role of women in the workplace has been revolutionized over the past half century. It will no doubt continue to change, and certain people will continue to resist that change. 


Age discrimination is less well understood than many other forms of discrimination. Because some areas still have mandatory retirement ages, and because it is widely understood that everyone, at some point, will begin to slow down with age, discrimination against someone based on her age is not taken as seriously as it should be by many people. Education is still required to drive home the message that in the workplace a person should be judged based solely on her ability to do the job, and not on how many years she has been on the planet. 

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