15 abr 2014


27 comentarios:

  1. I totally agree with euthanasia because if a person is in a terminal phase I think it has every right to choose when to die, and if you can avoid suffering even better. Moreover, this can also relieve the family and not make them suffer during the illness of their dear. That's way,I consider that euthanasia should be permitted for personal liberty and the overall benefits of society.

  2. I agree with euthanasia because I think is a solution for people who are suffering a terminall ill which doesn't have remedy and in a short perid of time they will die. Also I think in a society, people should have the freedom to choose what to do with his life if they are throug a terminally ill.

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  4. I am in favour of euthanasia because I think is a right for every person to decide if you prefer continue living or die. When a person is suffering more than he can endure and he knows that he will never do a normal life, I'm sure that he will thanks an easy death.

  5. I am against euthanasia because I believe that a society which allows voluntary euthanasia will change its attitudes time by time to finally include non-voluntary and also involuntary euthanasia. So, for me it's a dangerous decision to permit it because it sends the wrong message and will give bad results.

  6. I am in favour of euthanasia because I believe that people should decide when and how to die, furthermore the people should have freedom of choice in all the situations. Moreover the euthanasia is a good solution to end suffering the pacient and the family.

  7. Euthanasia is an emotional and controversial issue which provokes strong reactions. In my opinion, euthanasia should be allowed but under strict medical supervision and with the agreement of the patients or their families if they are not conscious. People should have freedom to choose about their own lives.

  8. Provided that that person have no possibilities to survive I totally agree with euthanasia for the reason that everybody should have the right to choose live or die and decide when stop suffering. Holding out pain harms the patient but also the family.

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  10. I'm totally disagree with the practice of euthanasia because I think that all the humanity deserves to live even if it is an ill person. Also, euthanasia doesn't gives an opportunity to doctors to solve this illness and the doctors are nobody to take away the people's lives.

  11. I agree with the euthanasia because if a sick person is suffering a lot for his disease, he has the right to choose what to do with his own life. I think that in this cases is better to die than to live because terminal diseases can be very suffering. Furthermore, the suicide isn't penalized and, why the euthanasia has to be? It's the same situation because the suicide is committed by a person who is, in some cases, mentally ill.

  12. I think euthanasia should be allowed because everyone has the right to decide what have to be done with its life. Maybe it can seem a bit dangerous but if euthanasia it's used in a correct form, under the strict supervision of the doctors and the patient’s permission, there won't be any disaster. I believe in euthanasia and I agree with it.

  13. I totally agree euthanasia and I think all states should apply it due to patients have the right to decide what to do with their lives, and even more if they have a terminal illness.This way, both patients and doctors don't suffer anymore. In my opinion, it should be practiced under the supervision of doctors and even psychologists. Furthermore, this desicion is really important, so it requires a previous and long meditation.

  14. I strongly agree with euthanasia because as well as everybody have the right to live, everybody who are in terminally ill have also the right to die to end their suffering because actually, when people are on that horrible situation, they can't find any sense to carry on living. Furthermore, according to the video of Dr. Death, it's not necessarily a murder due to helping someone who endures a miserable life. I'd personally prefer having a rest in peace...

  15. I completely disagree with euthanasia and other techniques which imply the destruction of a human being. Basically, I have two arguments against this method: in the first place, I believe that nobody has the right to decide about the ending of one's life; we don't choose the date of our birth, so we mustn't be able to decide our death's one: we'll perish when it's time to, not before. Secondly, I reckon that if a doctor practices euthanasia with one of his patients is actually breaking the Hippocratic Oath, which rules that every single medical practitioner must always defend and protect human life. In conclusion, if we, the human race, don't look after life, who will do it? The other animals? Plants? Obviously not; no one will... What a shame!

  16. I agree with euthanasia because i believe that all people who have a disease which can not be cured with treatment, they must have the freedom to decide if they want to live suffering or die. If they take the desicion to die, it may be a relief for the patient and for all the people who around him. I think that euthanasia shouldn't apply to everyone, but only to cases who are suffering a lot and they want to die immediately.

  17. I agree with the euthanasia because the ill person must have the right to choose their life. The terminal diseases are very hard and if the ill person suffers a lot the better solution is the euthanasia for end the suffering. I can understand the people are against the euthanasia because is an important decision, but in my opinion the euthanasia is the right that has the ill person for choose end the suffering.

  18. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  19. I completely agree with euthanasia because we are free to choose what want to be and to do with our body, it is the same that the right to live. Moreover, when a person is very ill and the doctors can't treat his illness, he will decide if he prefers suffer or die. It must be a personal decision and not a state decision how it is at this moment.

  20. I agree with euthanasia only in the case that the subject is suffering and has no remedy for his disease. Some people may say that nowadays there is a cure for almost everything, and there isn't a reason for euthanasia, but obviously, those who haven't been in the moment to choose between live or die, I think, can't give their opinion.

  21. I’m agree with euthanasia in case that you have a very bad illness and you know that in a short time you are going to die, because it's better not to suffer during a lot of time. On the other hand, if a disease has a treatment, is better to try this treatment and see what happens. So, this is a very controversial theme and is highly questonable.

  22. On these days there are a lot of controversy about this matter. I am agree with euthanasia when the patience is on his finally days and he/she is suffering, is an opticion to die in peace. It's a difficult decision, always it is, when we talk about the life and the death.

  23. In my opinion, even thought there are a lot of people against this act, euthanasia should be allow in all countries because it is fair that if you are very sick and you can't be cure with any treatment, you should have the right to decide whether or not ending your life, Also, euthanasia allows people to die with dignity instead of forcing them to continue their lives with pain. But it is very important that the doctor and the patient really think about the decision, because once it's done it, you can't go back.

  24. I agree with euthanasia because everyone should be free to decide when to die especially in those cases where you know you will die soon and suffering huge pain. On the other hand, if it is just an emotionally stage or your ill can be treated the doctors should recommend the patient to try treat the illness. Overall, this is a controversial topic which contains a lot of things which can affect the decision.

  25. I utterly agree with euthanasia and I think it should be legalized worldwide because no matter how ill a person is, people should always be able to choose what to do with their lives, if they choose to end it, be sure by any means it will not be a rash decision , but rather the result of a long and deep meditation, so as long as the patient agrees this should not lead to any kind of sanction for the physician or staff involved.

  26. I agree with euthanasia and I think it should be allowed in every country when there isn’t a possible cure and the person is suffering too much. However, euthanasia mustn’t be very controlled because it’s a very important decision and only used for especial cases when the illness person asks it.

  27. I believe that euthanasia is a practice that will be done when a person had an terminally ill and there isn’t any solution for it and if that person or the family allow this. But I think that in some cases such as coma, ictus and other situations in which doctors hadn’t the certany if this person will be recovered or not. I think that they can wait at least for a determinate date because in some cases not all is lost and who know which happens with that person.
