17 may 2012

Shopping in big supermarkets

Nowadays there are more and more big supermarkets and the number of people shopping on there is increasing. Is it good?

In our days people are always in a hurry and they need an easy way to shop. This is the main reason for the increase of shopping in big supermarkets. What's more, in there the food or other products are cheaper than in other little shops. People think that there you can find whatever you want and you don't have to look for different small shops.

On the other hand, big supermarkets are replacing the little shops where you used to buy and the people who worked there have lost their job. In other words it increases the number of unemployed people. What's more, the items of big supermarkets are unnatural products, which can be unhealthy. Most of them can make you ill.

In my opinion, people should be more precautious with their food and they should be more healthy. In addition I think that people can buy in big supermarkets if they don't forget the little shops and they continue buying healthy items. We have to live with less stress.

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