17 may 2012


There are diffrent types of supermarkets, big, small, specialized, etc. People, normally, buy in shops where the employees are the best and products are great, but this changes depending on whether a  supermarket is big or small.

On the one hand a corner shop is better because the steff know you and they are more polite and friendly with you. Moreover, they can put aside the products that you normally buy. Another advantage is that the meat, fish and fruit are fresher than in big supermarkets. However in big supermarkets there are more diffrent offers and products.

In the other hand, in a small supermarket people know you and your family and if you buy condons or something like that the steff can tell your mother about it. In big supermarkets you have privacy but you have to wait a lot to pay.

To sump up, there are corner shops and big supermarkets. In my opinion you choose depending on the product that you want.

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