15 may 2012

Shopping in supermarkets

It’s a fact that we all buy a lot of products in big supermarkets, but we don’t know many of the advantages and disadvantages they have.

Supermarkets have got amounts of different products from different producers, so the first advantage is that we can find and choose the good we want comparing prices and other qualities. Moreover, as there are a lot of supermarkets trying to catch shoppers, the prices are more competitive and we can find cheaper items. Another advantage is that they are perfect for us if we ant to do a big shopping once or twice a week. Consequently, we have more time to do other things. Big supermarkets also have some alternative places like restaurant, coffee shops… that are good for us if we need to spend a lot of time there.

But shopping in supermarkets also has disadvantages. Firs of all, small businesses are damaged if we all shop in supermarkets. Then, there is the problem of time. Big supermarkets are usually located far away from our homes, so we need to use the car to carry our shopping. What’s more, as the supermarkets have long corridors, we will spend much more time trying to find what we ant and, as they’re usually crowded, we will have to wait for long queues. Apart from this, as supermarkets have amounts of products, the quantity seems to be more important than the quality, so some products such as meat, fish, fruit, etc. may not be healthy enough for us.

To sum up, supermarkets are useful if we need to make big and cheaper shoppings, and bad if we search quality products.

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