8 may 2012


Spanish tourism authorities warn of more deaths in 'balconing' game

Balconing” accidents jump on Spain’s holiday isles


Tombstoning is the name given to the crazy act of jumping from cliffs and monuments along the seashore in the UK. The aptly named sport indicates the danger of the activity, which some Brits refer to as the sport of drunken idiots.
Although this ridiculous activity has taken many lives over the past few years, an outdoor pursuits organization is still holding to the claim that it is safely supervised. They suggest that people who want to experience the rush and thrill should do so in controlled conditions. Of the deaths that occurred, 75 percent were men and drinking was listed as a factor for many of their fatal jumps.


…site like this could kill them, but in the weekend sunshine, a 26-year-old-man decided to 
__________________1 ______________________. He was filmed by holiday makers clambering _________2 _____________ of the stone arch and was then ____________3 ______________ by his mates to jump.
  The man with the video camera switched off thinking ___________4 _________ anyone would do it, but seconds later, _______________5_____________ nearly a hundred feet (30,48m).
Moments later, the camera man did capture the __________6_____________. Holiday makers _________7_________into the water to try to save the man when he _____________8______________. They pulled him from the water after finding him unconscious and ________9________ on the seabed.
The man with the boat had been celebrating his ________10__________when he saw what happened. His head to his chest and his face into the water making a really bad slap. I knew then that he wasn’t ___________11__________ on skive.
The __________12_____________  internet videos of so called tombstoning may be ___________13_____________. At least 3 people have died in the UKthis summer. Tonight, the man who jumped at Durdle Door________________14_____________________, but safety experts say that is a miracle. John K BBC News

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