22 abr 2013

Bomb survivor: We were ‘10 feet from the finish’


shrapnel: metralla
blast: explosión
neck brace: collarín
fibula: peroné
skin graft: injerto de piel
healing: curación
pierced eardrum: tímpano perforado
go off: explotar, estallar
sneak: ir a hurtadillas

>> As we mentioned, many of the injured remain in hospitals this morning. Nick and Leanne Ianne were watching a friend in the race when they were hit by shrapnel from the blast. They're at Tufts Medical Center, Nick and Leanne good morning to both of you.

>> Good morning.

>> Leanne, let me start right off by asking, how are you doing I can see the neck brace, your leg is wrapped up, what is the extent of your injuries?

>> I have an open fibula fracture and waiting to get a skin graft either today or tomorrow and then probably be put in a boot for the last part of the healing.

>> And Nick, how about you? were you injured as well?

>> I was fortunate I only had a pierced eardrum.

>> Leanne , describe for me how close you were to the finish line , how close you were from where these devices were detonated?

>> I'm not sure exactly where it was detonated. It sounded awfully close. we were probably about ten feet from the finish line . Yeah, it was quite loud and definitely I could smell the smoke and everything when it happened.

>> and Nick, I understand when you looked down and saw the extent of Leanne 's injuries you went into shock. How long was it before either of you could get to the hospital and were you able to stick together?

>> When the police came in, they you know, they wanted to get anybody who wasn't hurt out and so they could take care of everybody who was hurt. We were close enough to the bomb that went off by the finish line that there was a lot of bad things going on and everybody was just trying to help everybody.

>> There was probably about 15 minutes if not more by the time I was carried from marathon sports to the medical tent and then I got loaded onto an ambulance after that.

>> I had to sneak to the back of the medical tent and try to find my wife.

>> I'm glad you two are back together. Leanne , I wish you luck with the surgery as you described it a little bit earlier. our thoughts are with you.

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