24 abr 2013

Boston Marathon bombs: Prosecutors prepare charges


The Tsarnaev brothers

US federal prosecutors are preparing charges against the surviving Boston Marathon bomb suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev as more details emerge of his capture.  If he is charged with using a weapon of mass destruction to kill people, he could face the death penalty. 

Mr Tsarnaev is in hospital, unable to speak because of a wound to the throat.  
US media quoted anonymous sources as saying he had been responding to questions in writing, but this has not been officially confirmed. Boston's Mayor Tom Menino had earlier told ABC News that "we don't know if we'll ever be able to question the individual".  But the ABC, NBC and CBS networks all reported late on Sunday that the suspect was responding in writing to interrogation. This included questions about possible cell members and other explosives.  "We have a million questions and those questions need to be answered," said Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick. 

The suspect was captured on Friday evening after a huge manhunt during which his elder brother and suspected fellow bomber, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, died. 
Police believe the 19-year-old Dzhokhar may have killed his brother himself, running him over in a car as he fled capture on Thursday night. 

Monday's twin bomb attack on the Boston Marathon finish line killed a boy of eight and two women, and injured more than 180, of whom 13 lost limbs.  One policeman was killed and another injured during the manhunt.   Governor Patrick has asked Bostonians to observe a moment of silence for the victims at 14:50 local time (18:50 GMT).  A funeral service was also held on Monday for one of the victims, 29-year-old restaurant worker Krystle Campbell. 

'Throw the book at him' 

No motive for the attack has been established. The brothers, who originate from Chechnya in southern Russia, had been living in the US for about a decade. 

It is unclear when the charges will be filed against the suspect.  In addition to the federal charges, prosecutors for the state of Massachusetts, which does not have the death penalty, may file their own. 
Mayor Menino said he hoped the federal prosecutor for Massachusetts, Carmen Ortiz, "takes him [Dzhokhar Tsarnaev] on the federal side and throws the book at him". 

Interrogators are not reading Mr Tsarnaev his Miranda rights, which guarantee the right to remain silent and the right to a lawyer. This exception is allowed on a limited basis when the public may be in immediate danger. 
Boston police commissioner Ed Davis said on Sunday he believed the brothers had probably been planning further attacks. 
The federal public defender's office in Massachusetts has agreed to represent Mr Tsarnaev once he is charged. 
He is being treated in Boston's Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center for injuries he sustained before his capture, when he was found hiding in a boat in the back yard of a house in Watertown, a suburb of Boston. The hospital said on Monday that his condition remained serious. 

'Run over' 

Watertown's police chief, Ed Deveau, has said he believes Dzhokhar Tsarnaev mortally injured his brother just after their firefight with police. It was initially reported that Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, had died of bullet and blast injuries. 

Mr Deveau told the Boston Globe newspaper, however, that Dzhokhar had driven over him in a stolen SUV, dragging him on the pavement and apparently inflicting the injuries that killed him.  After Tamerlan shot at police and apparently ran out of bullets, the police chief said, officers tackled him. 

They were trying to apply handcuffs when the SUV came roaring at them, with Dzhokhar at the wheel. The officers scattered and the SUV ran over Tamerlan, Mr Deveau said. Abandoning the car, Dzhokhar then fled the scene on foot, he said. 

Separately, US lawmakers on Sunday questioned why the FBI had failed to spot the danger from Tamerlan Tsarnaev after Russia had asked the US agency to question him two years ago.


Federal prosecutor: fiscal federalManhunt: an organized search, usually by police, for a wanted man or fugitive (persecución)
Flee- Fled: (huir darse a la fuga/huir) 
Finish line: (línea de meta)
Injure: to cause physical or mental harm or suffering to; hurt or wound (dañar, lesionar, herir)
Limb: an arm or leg (miembro/extremidad)
File charges against sb:(presenter cargos)
Sustain (injuries): suffer (sufrir)
Firefight: short exchange of gunfire ( tiroteo)
Bullet : a metal projectile in the shape of a pointed cylinder or a ball that is expelled from a firearm (bala)
Blast : A violent explosión (explosión/estallido)
Tackle sb:  To stop especially by forcing the opponent to the ground. (derribar, placar)
Scatter: To separate and go in different directions; disperse. (dispersarse)
Roar at sb: To express with a loud, deep, and prolonged sound (rugir,)
SUV: Sport Utility Vehicle (todoterreno)
Throw the book at someone: colloquial way of saying that the maximum criminal charge, or the full weight of the law, has been applied to someone charged with a crime (hacer que le caiga todo el peso de la ley)

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