2 feb 2014

POST A COMMENT: Are Advertisements Beneficial or misleading?

5 comentarios:

  1. From my point of view, now a days, with a global market full of all kind of products and services, the advertisements have become more necessary than in the past, because they have a significant mission, which is to inform clients about new products and articles. That's why I consider almost all advertisements beneficial for society.

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Is there only one positive point on publicity which makes you think almost all advertisements are beneficial for society? It's not enough...

  4. From my point of view, The advertisements are a very important part in the product value which can be the crucial factor for the customer to buy it. Also, advertisements keeps some cultural activities viable such as museums or sports events. For those reasons i think the advertisements are advisable for the society.

  5. I think that some advertisements are beneficial and others are misleading.Avertisements use methods in order to transmit subliminal images and information, which affect our subconscius and try to  persuade us; it is dangerous because they encourage people to buy the product,(which we often don't keed that was announced on TV, magazines or newspapers.But we should choose sensibly the essencial information and not believe all the things which are mentioned in publicity.
