2 feb 2014


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  3. Nowadays we live surrounded by computers, mobile phones and other electronic devices. These gadgets have a negative impact on the population, specially on young people since every single youngster owns a handy or a laptop. But well, the problem is not that we, young people, own these kind of gadgets, no; the problem is that we get distracted due to them: as they allow us to access the Internet easily, we spend a lot of time using them (for instance, Facebook -as well as other services such as mobile applications- is one of the social networks which is more widespread). On the other hand, apps, apart from distracting their users, make them spend a lot of money: some of them are free, but most of them aren't, so users have to pay for them. In conclusion, we should be more sensible and try to control ourselves: if we don't, we will not only have concentration problems, but also economic ones.

  4. Mobile phone game apps make that some children stay up until too late at nigth. This drives them to have disruption in the sleep patterns in studies, so during the day they use to have problems to stay awake and to be concentrated on their lessons and other tasks. Also, it makes them to have a worse mood and they don't have a good behavior.

  5. I don't agree with the arguments for advertisements. In my opinion, mobile phone games apps are quite addictive and they make you forget the rest of the world while you are playing. On the one hand it's a good way to avoid getting bored / avoid boredom but, on the other hand it's an easy way to waste your time. Instead of playing it's more productive to read a book or meet your friends. It's quite annoying to meet someone for coffee and he plays this game app all the time. The objective of the company is to increase the player’s addiction so if you realise that you are getting addicted, stop playing. This addiction could affect your temper
