2 feb 2014

POST A COMMENT: Facebook has a negative impact on the concentration of students

42 comentarios:

  1. I think that social networks like facebook have a negative impact on the concentration of students, because, apart from the lack of concentration at school, when we are at home we are always concted to facebook either with mobile phones or with computers, and this makes us to lower the concentration in studies, because we spend a lot of time using these social networks.

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    1. I agree that social networks have a negative influence on the students and they have to be banned at school. However, when students are at home they must know that if they are connected to these social networks all the time, they could fail their exams and their concentration wouldn't be good enough.

  3. In my opinion, social networks have a negative impact on the concentration of students, because students spend a lot of time in social networks, but I think that is useless block social networks because the students will be conected with their mobile phone so the schools can't do anything to solve it.

  4. I think it's absolutely true that facebook is negative for young people, not only in academic world but also in a quotidian life. They spend a lot of time surfing on the internet and they forget their responsabilities. Moreover, the fact of having internet wherever you want make you can't disconnect and this become an addiction.

    1. I think it's absolutely true that facebook is negative for young people, not only in the academic world but also in daily life. They spend a lot of time surfing the internet and they forget their responsabilities. Moreover, the fact of having internet wherever you want doesn’t allow you to disconnect and it becomes an addiction.

  5. In my opinion, I think that Facebook is a social networks which has a negative impact on the concentration of students and poor knowledge acceptance. Futhermore the study's results showed that these didn't pay attention to the teacher because for them are more important declare love and meet new friends on Facebook than pay attention in class or socialize.

    1. I totally agree with you, Patricia. Nowadays people prefer to waste time chatting and gossiping on Facebook rather than study and meet their friends. It's a shame, but we cannot do anything: this is the reality we've built.

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    1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    2. I agree that facebook has a negative impact on the concentration of students because most students are distracted by facebook and other social networks, and as a result they don’t pass the exams. That is, these social network networking sites have a negative influence on them, because when they are concentrated on their studies, and turn on the computer to search information for school, they use social networking sites to chat with friends and this can go on all evening and in the end they don't study anything nor do the homework.

  8. According to text, the concentration level of students and the grades reduce when they have acces to facebook. Students are more pending to facebook than their subjects and studies. In my view, the schools should denied the acces of facebook in order to increase the concentration,the level and the performance of students.

  9. I think that facebook has a negative effects on the concentration of students, because without realizing we spend a lot of time with facebook. In home with the computer and now with the new applications on the mobile phone you can use it all the time, and that's the reason while the students are all the time looking it, because you can use it everywhere.

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    1. I think that social webs have a bad influence on the students’ concentration. The use of these websites disrupt students’ studies and make them get bad qualifications. They give more importance to Facebook than to their studies because they are bored in class, and visiting these webpages they can chat with their friends. I think schools should ban children from bringing mobile phones to class. This would increase the students' qualifications.

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  17. I think that facebook and other social networks must distract the students because they most of the time while should be studying are connected to Facebook or doing anything that isn't profitable. Consequences of this thing can bring bad results and bad marks in the high school and our parents perhaps being angy with us. And a posible solution for this plroblem could be that parents put limits at social networks,

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  21. I agree that social networks like facebook have a negative impact on the concentration and knowledges of students. In my opinion to socialize to one other it is not nececessary use any social network. Facebook is a big distraction and obstacle to working, socialize (having fun with friends in real world), especially to have good marks in the university or school. Although is not obligation of teachers and parents get realize

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  24. I think that facebook or others social networks have a bad influence on the students because they spend a lot of time in these social networks instead of studying and this gets them distracted Nowadays there are a lot of mobiles phone with internet and this causes more addiction to social networks and this has a bad impact on young people and they have bad results at school.

  25. I agree that social networks, such as facebook, make students lose concentration at school. Some of them are connected all day on Facebook, either at school or in their house, especially because of the addiction which these Internet sites can create. It takes away hours and hours of study, so we have to say “enough”, because if we don't, then we get bad results. Although you can meet people in this kind of sites, I think it is a bad way to waste our time.

  26. In my opinion, more people have social networks and use them every day, but this has a bad influence on them. In my view, it has a negative impact on their concentration because they prefer chatting. For this reason, every time students are getting lower marks.

  27. I agree that Facebook causes a negative impact on students’ performance in atschool. In addition, facebook is an addictive page, and a lot of people waste a lot of time there instead of studying. hese people think about Facebook when they are studying and they don't pay attention to their studies because they are very distracted thinking about the social networks.

  28. I agree, that teeneagers shoulnd't use use social networks at school. Because nowadays there are students who waste their time waiting a reply on Facebook and don't pay attention to the teacher. This attitude is reflected in their low marks. I believe that schools must to forbid students to take their mobile phones to class so that students don't get distracted by social networks.

  29. In my opinion, facebook have a bad repercussion on the students because we spend a lot of time on it and we're not concentrated enought on the studies so, the students who always are on facebook with their mobiles or their computer, have worse marks than the people who study without getting on facebook or another program. I think that their parents should restrict the use of facebook, and so that their sons would improve their marks.

  30. In my view, Facebook has a negative effect on the marks of the students, because They spend a lot of time on social networks when they should be studying. Also, social networks reduce their concentration and they should study much more at home

  31. In my opinion, Facebook has a really negative impact on students because a lot of students don't concentrate in class because there are distracted by these social networks. Also, the lack of concentration affects the qualifications of students because they don't pay attention in class. I think schools should ban the access of these social networks like Facebook.

  32. In my opinion social networks are a bad influence for teenagers because most students are distracted by facebook and others social networks and this affects their studies or marks. Students spend their time on social networks and they don't concentrate on their studies, and this is the problem because they should study more.

  33. In my opinion Facebook takes up a lot of time in our lives, especially if you're a student because many young people are used to checking their facebook account everyday. It allows people keep up with their facebook friends or simply to know who is looking at their photos. I think this is the worst thing students can do because they'll waste a lot of time for sure and they'll get bad results at school. For me, Facebook is a clear example of distraction.

  34. I think that facebook has a negative impact on the results of the students. This happens because when they have access to web pages like facebook, they stop paying attention to teacher’s explanation, so their results will get worse. In my opinion, the schools should close these web sites. If the students don't have any distractions, their results will get better.

  35. I think student's poor concentration in class is not due to the social networks as the study said. In my opinion students get bored in class, therefore they visit social networks by mobile phone to entertain them and look over what's happening on line. As students prefer visit it than look for any solution not to get bored in class, their academy results fall down.
