31 dic 2012

Do you think Shopping is an addiction? Do people always need the things they buy when they go shopping? What about you?

In the last few years, experts have discovered a new type of addiction which has been called “fashion victim”. This term is used when we refer to someone who is always changing his dressing style, and consequently buying a lot. This might be surprising for most of the people, but not for me. Some months ago I realized that I was a “fashion victim”, since that moment I started going to the psychologist. Currently I can control myself and I’m going to give you some advices/ advice.

First of all, you should make a list with / of the things you’ve planned to buy so as not to start catching a lot of things. If you want to buy a little whim, there’s no problem.
Secondly, try not to go mad due to the sales. Pay attention very carefully to the prices and the offers and don’t be swindled. Do not buy unnecesary things, overcome the temptations! You must learn to avoid  the stupid fashion.
In conclusion, I think people must regulate their feelings and be prudent.

 (Marcial Moya)

30 dic 2012

Do you think unemployment is the worst worrying problem in Spain today? (corrected)

Unemployment is a reality in Spain. Since a couple of years unemployment figures started to increase and, nowadays, they continue increasing exponentially. Last month the number of unemployed people was nearly five million. In my opinion, unemployment is the worst worrying problem in Spain.

Firstly, it’s a fact that the actual policies aren’t helping unemployment figures to stop increasing, actually, they’re making dismissals cheaper and easier. Secondly, I think that unemployment affects all of us: it has created a lost generation of teenagers, they don’t have any objectives because they can’t find a job; and there’s also people in their fifties that are being dismissed and, because of their age, won’t be contracted again because businessmen prefer younger people.
Some people would say that these policies aren’t bad, because it makes it  easier for businessmen  to have their business and make them grow putting an end to the crisis that is desolating Spain. But, the truth is that these policies are doing nothing more than sinking the country more and more.

In conclusion, I think that we have to change radically the policies in order not to lose the welfare state and put an end to this crisis.


27 dic 2012

Body image

Nowadays what appears on TV has a big influence in our lives. For example, the media shows us an image of the body that makes us think we should be like what they show. In my view, we should try to overlook all this, and maybe this way we would be a bit happier with ourselves.

Firstly, in most advertisements we see gorgeous girls, who usually don’t wear many clothes, so we can see their perfect bodies that make us wish we could be like them. Secondly, in my opinion, supermodels are really skinny, and this fact is the cause of many anorexia cases in young girls. Even though we normally believe these things only affect girls, we are clearly wrong: men who spend all day at the gym and eat products to be stronger are an evidence of this.

To sum up, I believe we should start doing something about it, like teaching our children not to pay attention to what they see in magazines, newspapers, on TV, etc. because as far as this topic is concerned, they don’t show things as they actually are.  

Patricia Marra-López 2A

24 dic 2012

(FINAL VERSION) Do you think shopping is an addiction? Do people always need the thing they buy when they go shopping? What abou you?

Nowadays people have a huge shopping addiction which sometimes is a problem as a consequence of advertisements and the created body image.

Firstly, I think that shopping is an addiction which is most common among teenagers. It seems to me that advertisements are the ones to blame. They create an obsession to buy new clothes every week with good offers and change clothes frequently. So, every time you go to a shop, you can see new and different things. I believe that this is what creates this shopping addiction. In addition, it is clear that advertisements often create  a perfect body image with the new clothes which everybody want to copy. Furthermore, this addiction makes you buy  clothes and waste a lot of money. However, as I see it, most people buy lots of different clothes which they don't really need. So, they keep them in their wardrobes for ever, without using them, consequently they waste their money.
In my case, I'm not a shopping addict. I only buy what I need when I need it. I don't like to spend money on things that I won't use later. What's more, I cannot afford to buy things I don't really need.

To conclude, I would say that everybody has to be conscious when they buy things, clothes or whatever. Also, they don't really know the economic situation in our country: there are lots of people who can't pay for food or clothes while some people are buying clothes that they will never use , which they could give to poor people.

                                                                                               Rosa Monjo   2n Batxillerat B

21 dic 2012


Nowadays people aren’t concerned about global warming. People aren’t recycling at all. We should try to be environmentally friendly. In my opinion it is easy... reduce our carbon footprint.

Firstly, we could produce less emissions taking the bus more often. Our cars are one of the most harmful things to the earth and the ozone layer. Another option is ... buy a bike! In addition, you’ll be fitter and healthier without emitting anything harmful. In my opinion, this would be perfect. The way I see it, we are destroying our house and the house of the future generations.

Secondly, I think that we are buying things with a lot of packages which are not biodegradable instead of buying organic food in a local market. However we want to pay cheaper things in the big supermarket.

To sum up, I want you to think more of the Earth problems before doing something harmful for everyone because this issue affects everybody.

18 dic 2012


Famous people have more and more attention in society. It can be a problem because all media want to have the best news about those people and sometimes it can produces that other celebrities, for example writers have less attention.

Firstly, a lot of media pay money to have good news about the personal life of any famous person because it produces much attention to the society. Although people like so much to know about the lives of the famous I think that it isn’t important and the media could talk about other news which are more important to the world.
Because of the society are more interested to know things about the famous; magazines, television and other media pay to have information about this and they don’t worry to have other important issues that same times are more important to the society for example the economic problems, the weather…that can effect all the people.

In conclusion, it is clear that the media pay more money for news about famous people but they don’t pay so much to writers and soon because the general publics aren’t so interested in them.

Aina Isbert

17 dic 2012

Some people believe that the Earth is damage by human activity

What has human activity done to the Earth? Are there any problems or is the situation acceptable? How can we let it?

On the one hand, some people believe that the Earth is being damaged by human activity, due to they don’t think plant life or animal life, because these don’t give money. So it isn’t important to them. Consequently, they don’t control the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere; they dump waste at sea, etc. And this causes the death of many animals and plants.

On the other hand, some people feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live. Because, it’s considered that the technology has let us to go forward and the possibility to change our society, and to be bigger.

In my opinion, both arguments are correct. But it’s true that the Earth is being damaged by us. It’s possible to build a better place for all, while we are able to solve the Earth. 


Nowadays, television, newspapers, magazines anb other media are very important in our lives. However, this form inform us about what happens around the world, but shouldn't pay so much attention to the personal lives of famous people, such as public figures and celebrities. In my opinion, this is not good because people spend a lot of time their personal lives and not with important things.

Fistly, I think that the critical situation in the world is more important than the personal lives of famous people. Also, for the television and other media explain personal lives of famous people is not tell the true anb explain another thing that other people think that it is very important to know the personal lives of famous perople because they think that this is a way of finding out about world.

In conclusion, I think that they are things that are more important than the personal lives of famous people and that is good to know about their lives but not in excess.


The governments spend a lot of money on developing or buying computer technology and now we are in crisis and we need to spend the money on other things that are more important than technology. 

Firstly, nowadays technology has become an essential thing, but at the same time it isn't so necessary because without technology we'll not die, yet we can't work with computer, etc. In my opinion, to have a house for sleep, a job to have money and have a clean city is more important. Furthermore, now spain is in crisis and for that reason the government should spend money to save the country and not to buy digital whiteboards or computers for all students at school, because this thing isn't necessary to live. 

To conclude, the governments have the priority to give to the people a place to have a job and a good city to live and then, if the people have this basic things, the government could spend the money on developing or buyying technology.

Miriam Romero Lladó

16 dic 2012

Make the world greener

Nowadays, pollution is one of the bigest problems for the earth that the humans cause. In my opinion, this situation is also bad for us, and to stop using things that pollute will be a very good initiative for us and for our planet.

Firstly, the worst cause of pollution is transport, like cars, airplanes and motorbikes, I think that we have to stop using this type of transport, and start to use public transport, like buses, or try to walk a bit more. Secondly, to use plastic bags is another way to destroy our planet because they don't desintegrate, they will be with us for a long time, Consequently, I think that we must use fabric bags to reduce the number of plastic bags. Finally, to recycle could be a good way to reduce pollution.

In conclusio, I think that we should all try to be greener, because it will be good for ud and for our planet.

Alejandro Tudurí Sintes

Some people believe that the Earth is being damaged by human activity, but others feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live.

Things like the environment are one of the problems of the Earth, others are the humans, but are humans destroying the Earth?

On the one hand, I think that humans damage the Earth, for example, the environment, the temperature of the Earth is growing up because of the greenhouse effect, we're cutting down the forests and some animals have become extinct because the don't have place to live, and they haven't got food to eat, we're kill our world.
But, on the other hand, I agree that humans make the Earth a good place to live, there's lot of technology, we've just improved a lot. So, what can we do?

We can reduce the carbon dioxide emissions, we can reduce our footprint, we can use renewable energy instead of using fossil fuel energy, this produces a lot of dioxide carbon, we can stop cutting down trees, and let animals live, we can do so many things to save the Earth, and keep living in a good place. Now, we only have to do it.

14 dic 2012


Nowadays we can be informed all day about famous people's lives, which are the job of lots of journalists. I don't mind, however, there are lot of people interested about it.

First of all, I think this type of journalism is a waste of time. There are journalists who run after a famous person all day only to know about their personal lives. In addition, then they explain it in a TV programm, radio or magazine. But it's their job. Furthermore, I believe that famous must hate them and they would pay to live without them. Secondly, in my opinion, this type of journalism shouldn't exist because it doesn't respect some people's personal lives. Nevertheless, I feel that it is good hearing different news for curiosity but not too many, which could hurt people's sensitivity. In addition, I can't believe people who go to a TV programm or give an interview explaining things that aren't true, only to earn a bit of money. Moreover, I can't understand people who discus famous people's personal lives in TV programms.

To conclude, in my view, there are more important topics to explain or to discuss in TVs, newspapers or magazines, such as, the economic crisis or poor people.

Rosa Monjo, 2n Batxillerat B

13 dic 2012

Composition english exam.

These years our planet has changed and it’s our work to know how we can help it. Some people think that the greenhouse effect it’s the problem, others feel that it isn’t.
Firstly, I think that this planet change because it is a cycle, history has shown us that the planet has suffered a lot of climate changes and we didn’t emit pollution to the atmosphere. It happened because of natural disasters. Nevertheless, these days human activity is accelerating this climate change. Furthermore our greenhouse footprint is increasing, human activity is being more harmful. We need more petrol and its prize is increasing because of it is running out.
To sum up, human activity has to use more renewable energy and do other activities in favor of the environment. The planet needs our help and it’s our work to look after it.

Teacher evaluation.

Nowadays, children can go to a good school because the schools are better than years ago. Schools should ask students to evaluate their teachers and teachers could know if their students like them or not like.

First of all, I think that evaluate teachers is a good way to know if the teachers are good at teaching their students or not. On the one hand, it seems to me that if the students are allowed to do that, teachers will have in mind their opinions and maybe that will change their teaching method. On the other hand, I don't believe that teachers should be paid according to how much their students learn, because each teacher is different and makes their classes in different ways.

Moreover, if the teacher is good but students don't pass their subjects, sometimes it is due to the fact that students don't listen to their teachers.

To sum up, in my opinion to evaluate teachers is a good idea but not to pay them more or less depending on their students results.

Núria Riudavets. 2n B


I agree that nowadays the media pay too much attention to the personal life of famous people. Every time you watch TV, or you read a newspaper o a magazine, or you listen to the radio, you can see everything that this public figures and celebrities have done in their holiday, in their wedding, in short, in their personal lives.

There are some people that like reading these things and they enjoy knowing everything that happens around their lives. In my opinion the media should give less attention to the famous people and give more attention to the big problems in our world, like the environment or the people that haven’t got a job or people that haven’t got anything to eat. These are the important things, and the things that the media should give attention.

In my view, people should worry about their problems and personal lives and forget to pay attention to famous people.

Famous people aren't so important


     Nowadays the media pay too much attention to famous' and celebrities' lives, as every day magazines and televisions talk about celebrities and all the've been doing. 

      Firstly I think it is wrong, just because they are famous they should be able to have a normal life without anyone observing all their movements . However, we can also find celebrities that like to be observed, but I can't understand it as it must be really frustrating to have someone behind you all day. In my view I think they give too much importance and as a consequence then people want to become famous in order to be in magazines or television.

     In conclusion, people should realize that celebrities or famous people are just normal people and magazines or televisions shouldn't give so much attention to them.

Alex Vidal Hiscock 2Batx.B

12 dic 2012



Should students evaluate their teachers? Should the teachers be paid depending on the mark they get? Well, in my opinión, evaluating teachers is a positive thing but paying them with this method is not fear.

Firstly, evaluating teachers is a good way to improve the relationship between students and teachers. They could know better each other an this may improve the performance of the pupil. As the students keep getting on well with teachers , the lessons won’t be so boring and they’ll pay more attention. Teachers will feel more energetic and useful.

Secondly, paying them in this way is an awful idea, because students are never going to like teachers results and they will give bad qualifications. Teachers would be really angry!!

To sum up, teachers’ evaluation is good idea but the payment sistem is a bad one. Other thing that could help is paying the students for their marks. I’m sure that giving money will motivate students to learn more and more and they’ll be really happy and their parents will be really proud of them.

Should we be greener?

Nowadays lots of people are concerned about the planet, but there are also the ones who think that our planet has no problems with us and we don't have to be greener.

In my opinion, we all should be greener. The arguments of the ones who think our planet has no problems are that it doesn't matter if animals become extinct, jungles disapear or if the little islands disapear, but in my opinion, if animals become extinct, the ones which eat them become extinct too and eventually us.
We are our planet, if it runs out on fossil fuels and natural resources, what will we do? If we don't have land for agriculture, what will we eat? If the water is poisoned, what will we drink? We have to be greener, but for a selfish feeling.

In conclusion, we need our planet and if don't become greener, we won't have it in the future.
Nowadays, there's a lot of controversy about what governments have to spend money on. In my opinion, governments should spend more money on technology.

Firstly, I think that technology is our best chance to improve our lives or even "evolve", not from a biological point of view but from a social one. Secondly, since the Industrial Revolution, technology has been our friend and without it we wouldn't be what we are now. Lastly, if countries develop new technologies, other countries will buy them, and you can get more income than what you have spent.
Some people will say that this money will be better spent on basic needs, such as food, but technology is not only Tvs and PCs, it can be also useful in our dayly life, for example technology improved our agriculture centuries ago, making our life easier and providing us with more food.

In conclusion, I think that technology is the solution to many of our problems and that money is well spent on it.

Is the Earth damaged by human activity?

Nowadays, there are a lot of human activity in the Earth. Some people think that it is bad for the Earth, but other people think that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live in.
On the one hand, human activity is a good thing because it makes possible to live in the Earth having a good conditions. I think that without all the buildings, roads, bridges, etc. we won't be able to have the same live conditions.
On the other hand, the excess of human activity damages the Earth because that activity produces pollution, residues and a lot of things that are bad for the planet.
To sum up, human activity can have good effects on our daily life but it can also have negatives effects with time.

Should we all try to be greener?

The Earth is being damaged by human activity. As a result, the weather is changing, some species are in danger of extinction, and habitats are being destroyed. So, why don't we try to be greener?

First of all, if we recycle, for example, we throw away less things, and these things are used to make other things, like recycled paper. Consequently, we use less resources, which can be renovated.
Secondly, if we use renewable energy, like wind power, we don't emit poisonous gases, which are the reason for the hole in the ozone layer and global warming.

Finally, if we reduce our waste, we don't produce as much pollution as we produce without this waste reduction.

The Earth is the place where we live, and it is our responsability to protect it for the future generations. In my opinion, if all humans try to be greener, we can do it.

Is the media paying too much atention to famous people?(FINAL VERSION)

Nowadays, people are more interested in the personal lives of famous celebrities than in real problems like the economy or the Greenhouse effect. In my opinion, this lifestyle will bring us terrible problems.

Firtly, I think that our society is being controled by these famous people, who are getting rich while we are getting poor. However, we love sitting in front of the TV and watching them telling us about their lives.
As a result, people aren't concerned about the real problems, the problems that make them suffer every day because they are addicted to other lives problems.

In my view, people should pay less attention to the personal lives of famous celebrities and worry about their personal lives. But I don't think that this situation will change because it produces a lot of money.

3 dic 2012


It’s 2012 and I haven’t seen my friend Pablo since 2005, he went to England because his parents had work there and he was just 12 years old so he had to go with them . When he left Spain I was so sad but I  hope’d that he would return the next year with gifts for all our friends and especially for me, I was Young and innocent.

The years passed and he never came back so I started to forget him more year after year, until this year when I forgot him completely at the start of the year. But, last month I met my old friend John who went with Pablo and me to the school and he told me that he had been living in England the last 2 years and he met Pablo at a disco the last year and he gave him a thing for me, it was my old football ball which I gave to him the last day we spent together before he went to England. At that moment, I felt so bad because he remembered me and I forget him completely.  After this I went to my house and I tried to find him on facebook and I added him and we talked about 5 hours , at this moment we promised to never forget eachother and to meet someday at our old school to remember the old times we spent together.

After this I realised that I haven’t seen him for ages but I know he will be always my friend.

2 dic 2012

The earth is being damaged by human activity. The humans beings have over the years contunually destroyed our habitat.

In my view we could reduce the massive construccion, because some species are endangered and we have destroyed his natural habitat. Moreover we must cut down the deforestation, as that produces streams and the soil erosion. As a result of the deforestation, temperature of the earth will increase. Besides of the melting ice caps,  also the animals and plants who lives  there may die. Wheras the level of oceans will rise and soon will have more water than earth.
To save our planet we have to recycling to avoid thousands of mountains of garbages. We have to put all container on his correct place.

To sum up we have to aware to assess all our effects on our planet, if we don't want to dissapear our planet.

                                                                                                                     Carolina Melia           2n C


I still think in Marta, my best friend. She was happy, funny and she was able to cheer up someone that was sad. But everything changed when she fell in love with a friend, whose name is Eric. So they began a relationship. 

Months later, Eric moved to Barcelona. Even thought she lives in Granada, they continued their relationship. However, Marta fell into a deep depression: She never left her house, only to go to high school. Also she paid attention to her phone and her old computer to talk to Eric. Even so, Marta wouldn’t admit that she wasn’t the same. At that moment I realized that long-distance relationships don’t work, because it not only affects the couple, but friends in common and individual friends.

Finally, I talked with Marta without good results, because she denied recognizing that only left the memories and photos. So, I went to her house and I closed the computer and with my heart in hand, I told her she wasn’t the same, and she had replaced her smiles with small tears. At that moment, she saw it clearly and she stopped the distance relationship. But she needed some time. 

1 dic 2012

House swapping (Corrected)

First of all, I believe that house swapping has more advantatges than disadvantatges. One of these is that you can travel to a lot of cities or countries and you have a holiday house. In addition you don't pay for this house, because during your stay in the holiday house, your house is lived in by other people.

Also it is interesting to live in another house, flat or other building, in a new city, with other customs and to visit a lot of places, thinking that afterwards you can return to your swapped house. I think that in the swapped house, you must feel more comfortable than in  a hotel.

On the other hand, If in your house there are people that you don't know, you can be worried about whether these people can "ruin" your house. Another disadvantage that I think of is that the fisrt days that you stay in a swapped house you must feel strange, like an intrusive.

I never swap my house, but I would like to exchange my house with another family for some/ during the summer or holidays. I think that it could be a good experience.

Paula Cardona, 2n batx A 

What are the main advantages and disadvantages of house swapping?

In my opinion, house swapping is a good way of travelling without spending too much money on hotels, but it can also have consequences in your holidays and even in your daily life.
First of all, you have to be very careful with the people you are doing the swap with. You won’t always find rich people with big mansions who want to do a house exchange during a few days. Normally, people who look for this kind of travelling are those who cannot afford paying a hotel or people who don’t appreciate much their house, so you don’t know how they will treat yours.
I’m not saying that you have to distrust everyone, but you should think that you are inviting unknown people to your house while you are not there, so they will be able to do everything they want there.
Furthermore, images on the internet can deceive you because you might think that you are going to a normal house and then you find something completely different which dislikes you.
In conclusion, this house swapping can be a good way to travel cheaply, but you have to be careful because you never know where you are going or who is going to your house.

What are your views on tattoos?

In my opinion, people have to be very sure of what they are doing when they get a tattoo, especially when they do it in a place which is usually seen by others, such as the arms and even the legs.
Firstly, we have to be very sure of what you are tattooing because something that really likes you now, may not like you in twenty years. That’s why you should be mature enough to decide to get a tattoo because this thing will be with you the rest of your life, so it will become a part of yourself.
In addition, people usually judge others by their physical appearance, including tattoos. Depending on the thing that you want to tattoo, you can show an ideology which people wouldn’t know of you without seeing the tattoo. That's why it is recommendable not to tattoo some sort of images which can be related to a political opinion or something like that.
To sum up, you must be very careful with what you are tattooing, especially if you do it in a visible part your body because other people could make a wrong opinion of you, which can have consequences both in your personal and professional life.

Unexpected Reencounter

Last summer, I travelled to Mallorca to see my family where I have many friends, because I have been to Mallorca every year since I was born. Normally, I go there at Christmas, but last year my parents decided to go in summer.

When I arrived, I met my friend. We decided to do something, but we didn't know what to do. That night we went to a park and while we were talking  a group of boys 
suddenly came towards us. I recognised one of them, his name was Pablo, he was my chilhood sweetheart. I met him in Madrid, before he lived in my village and we were neighbours. I fell love with him and we started going out. The problem was when, that year, he moved to Mallorca, and we broke up. At that moment I realized that long-distance don't work. I had fallen out of touch with him.I didn't know anything about him, I thought that we had never met before. Despite the distance, I was love with him. I went to greet him and he gave me two kisses. We remembered all those moments. Since that day, we met every day.

Finally we went out again. That situation was different, before we were kids. Now we had clear ideas, we had grown and matured. Two years later he returned to Madrid and our relationship continued.

30 nov 2012

Tattoo removal

The tatoos have always been a fashion accesory, especially for young people.We can see millions of differents original tatoos; there are small tatoos, larger ones and some with a lot of differents colours involved.
A lot of youngs simply for be more popular has a tatoo eventhought ... is very painful.

Personally, I am not in favor of people having a tattoo. I have differents reasons why I don't think it would be a good idea to have a tattoo, especially when you are young.Firstly, I think that having a tattoo is very unhealthy for the body and it's so inecessary to cause pain to yourself. Furthermore, the worst problem of having a tattoo is to find a job, because a lot of companies do not allow that their employers have visible tattoos.

In conclussion, I think that a visible tattoo is very relevant to work in a job, especually if the work consist in having direct contact with the customers.
As a result, it's better not to have any tattoo.

House swapping

House swapping have advantages and disavantages too.

On the one hand, house swapping is the best way to go on holiday without spend money became the only thing that you have to do is looking for ?? the house while the owners are back.?? Furthermore, you can enjoy in the house using all the things that there are.

In the other hand, hause swapping have an important desavantage because the things can go wrong. The house sitters can hit something, forget to do the maintenance of the swimingpool.

Because of that, someone can think that there ir no compensation, but in my opinion, house swapping is a good system that if you chose a good hause sitters it's not necessary that the thing go wrong.
As a result, I think that the next summer I am going to swap my home for the holiday, it's a good idea!

Love in Paris

When I just turned 18 I was offered the opportunity to go and study to the university of my dreams in Paris. I didn't doubt at all to accept the fabulous opportunity and I moved to Paris.

The university was perfect: big, beautiful, with large gardens; and the most important thing, the people were really nice. When I arrived, at the beginning I stayed at the university campus and I met my clasmates. They showed me the city and we started to go out together. Those days I met a very handsome guy called John in the French class. I liked him since the first time I saw him. John and I started to date and our relationship grew.
We did some trips together during the course and we enjoyed ourselves a lot, and  I even met his familly . But soon the course finished and I had to go back to Madrid.

However, as we were really in love,  we decided to maintein a long-distance relationship. We decided to meet several times a month and talk on phone every day.

At first, the relationship was great but we started losing contact and unfortunately, bit by bit our love disappeared. At that moment I realized that long-distance relationships don't work.




Opinions that want men to do more housework than what they do now
  • Sharing household chores fosters closeness between husband and wife, which results in a happier & stronger marriage.
  • Couples with an equal sharing of the housework can produce more stability in their marriage and less conflict or resentment.
  • Men also benefit from equal partnership because they can get more openness from their wives and they can feel relaxed about their relationship and reduce stress.
  • In case his wife (partner) isn’t around or falls sick in bed, if the man (her husband) has been used to doing the housework, he can pitch in and take over the control without turning the house into a disaster.
  • It’s best that both men and women do the housework.
  • If the man can do household chores, he will have a much happier and healthier and more satisfied wife (girlfriend).
  • She will love him more and complain a lot less and they’ll have more quality time.
  • The more men do around the house, the happier their wives are, and the happier women are, the more they want to co-operate and help their spouses.
  • Analysts say that the happier the women are, the more they want to have sex with their husbands and that’s the proof that men’s sharing the housework will bond the marital relationship.
  • The more they share the housework, the more they can communicate with each other and feel emotional intimacy and equal partnership.
  • Wives are happier when their men appreciate them for the work they do at home and they are less angry or depressed.

Opinions that disagree with the ideas above:

  • We men should not be made to do household chores like cooking, cleaning, laundry, dishes or taking care of babies because when it snows, we shovel it off the sidewalk and we mow the lawn and when there’s something that needs fixing, we fix it.
  • If the woman stays at home while the man goes out to work, then the woman’s job should be at home.
  • Either I work to support the family and my wife does the housework or I do the housework and she goes out to work to support us.
  • Men are conditioned to work outside and bring home a paycheck and women are to be at home and do housework.
  • My wife says she’s happy to take care of our kids and family and household chores.
  • Because she says I am supposed to work outside and bring home all the money we need.
  • My wife has been “a stay at home mother” all of our marriage. She’s managed to home-school both of our kids for 10 years. She does laundry and cook, and iron my clothes when I work at the office and she’s totally satisfied & quite happy about it.
  • Hey, we men are strong. We work outside and earn money. You women should stay home and cook and clean and take care of children.
  • “I have a dream that one day our world will rise up and live out the true meaning of the both sexes, and we are going to hold the truth firmly that men and women are created equal.”
  • “I have a dream that my daughters will one day be married to the men who will do exactly 50% of the household chores without complaining at all if they both go out and work evenly, or not necessarily 50% but the fair share of the housework as long as their partners approve it and are satisfied,”
  • “I have a dream that men and women will one day walk hand in hand in the “Sumo Ring” in the glory of freedom and justice.”


One day while I was watching TV my parents called me, they asked me about my situation at school and my relationships with the classmates, I thought those questions were not very important and I just answered without thinking about it, but many days later my parents told me about changing home and college. I was astounded at first and I refused It to them, but I didn't have anything to do, my father had to change where he worked because he was promoted.

After that, I ran into my room and started to cry, I felt furious and miserable because if I had to change my college I would lose many friends like Bob, my best friend who I known since I have memory.

My mother came a few hours later to explain me the importance of moving to the new house and college, she said to me: A real friend  would never forget you, those words made me think about it and after a while I accepted the move. This happened a long time ago, I haven't seen Bob since that, but I know he will always be my friend.

29 nov 2012

An amazing adventure

That’s an adventure that I had when I was living in Cairo, Egypt. I had arrived there two months ago and I loved Egypt and the pyramids. The first day of the holidays I took the day to visit the pyramids.

At ten o’clock every day many buses left the city and went to the pyramids full of tourists. After three pyramids, the bus stopped in the last one, small and discarded. I entered with a family and a girl. The family turn left to a corridor and me and the girl watched the hieroglyphics. Without realising I pressed a picture of a bird and the brick went inside the wall. A door appeared in front of me. I didn’t know what had happened. The girl looked at me surprised and she introduced herself. Her name was Lisa and she was from London. After a short conversation we entered on the door. There was a tunnel after the door. We continued walking and then we entered in a room. Suddenly, the walls began to move and the room was becoming smaller. Luckily there was a small door on the floor and we appeared in other room, which was very big and plenty of things. It was the treasure of a pharaoh.

Ten minutes later, many people were around the pyramid. Before many questions of newspapermen, the moment to return to my house had arrived so I said goodbye to her. I haven’t seen her for ages, but I know she will always be my friend because of that day.

Javi Melia Lafuente
2nd Batx-C







26 nov 2012

My Holidays

That’s an adventure that I had when I was living in Cairo, Egypt. I had arrived there two months ago and I loved Egypt and the pyramids. The first day of the holidays I took the day to visit the pyramids.
At ten o’clock every day many buses left the city and go to the pyramids full of tourists. After three pyramids, the bus stopped in the last one, small and discarded. I entered with a family and a girl. The family turn left to a corridor and I and the girl were watching the hieroglyphics. Without realising I pressed a picture of a bird and the brick went inside of the wall. A door appeared in front of me. I didn’t know what had happened. The girl looked me surprised and she introduced herself. Her name was Lisa and she was from London. After a small conversation we entered in the door. There was a tunnel after the door. We continued walking and then we arrived to a room. Suddenly, the walls began to move and the room was becoming more and more small. Luckily there was a small door in the floor and we appeared in other room, that was very big and plenty of things. It was the treasure of a pharaoh.
Ten minutes later, many people were around the pyramid. Before many questions of newspapermans, it had arrived the moment to return to my house so I said goodbye to her. I haven’t seen her for ages, but I know she will always be my friend because of that day.

Three years ago,  I was invited to a party of a friend of mine. He was celebrating his 18th birthday and his parents organized a fantastic party for him;  there was good music and there were many people.  I was having a great time, when suddenly I met a girl. Her name was Susan, she was very kind, funny and pretty. We spent the rest of the night talking and laughing together. It was love at first sight.

After that party, I started flirting with her and after a few weeks we started going out. I loved her and she loved me, all was perfect. However, I had to tell her that next month I was leaving Menorca because of my studies. When I told her, she said that we could still be together.

After a few months, I started living in Barcelona, I fell out of touch with her and we grew apart and spoke less and less to each other. At that moment I realized that long-distance relationships don’t work. Finally, 3 weeks ago we split up, however, I still love her.


24 nov 2012

It all started during our Christmas holidays, when Sara travelled with her family to celebrate the Christmas holidays with her parent’s friends in a tiny village near the forest. Sara didn’t want to go because she remembered ancient and empty the village of other years.
First of all, Sara and her family arrived at the village and went to see the friends who were waiting in the village square. Sara was surprised because there was a boy of her age who hadn’t gone the other years, and she feeling love at first sight. After that them all went home and Sara took a walk. Sara’s mother told her to go back soon at home but one thing happened that changed the Sara’s holidays. She was walking in the village when she saw the boy alone sitting on a bench, she didn’t know what to do but suddenly the boy called her. Although she was very nervous, she went to him. They started to talk and got on well, however they had to return home because it was late. Then they made out and Sara couldn’t believe what had happened. She arrived home hilarious and her mother didn’t know what had happened. Sara and Alberto continued to see each other every day, and on Christmas day they spent all night together, they fell in love. But the Christmas holidays were finishing and it was time to return to their city. Since they had fallen in love they decided to have a long-distance relationship.

After the holidays, they continued to talk to each other every day, but the situation had changed because Sara believed that Alberto was different. Although they had an argument they tried to patch up their differences but the relationship didn’t work. At that moment they realized that long-distance relationships don’t work and they decided to become friends since they had had good moments.

                                                                                                               Aina Isbert Andreu

"The night of San Juan"

It all started on the summer of 2003. Was a special day, it was the night of San Juan, where people spent the night on the beach with their friends and families. I was with my friends; we talked and dinner until twelve. After this, at twelve, we went swimming and when we went to dry off we realized that a new group had arrived at the beach. We were all the same aye and there I met Alex.

Alex was a friendly boy and we got on well. We were talked all night and then, when it was time to go, I gave him my phone number and he gave me his. In the following days I didn’t know anything about him but finally he phoned me and we went out. That day we kissed for the first time and since then we began a relationship. I fell in love with Alex and I felt that I could rely on him.

Everything was perfect and we chatted for a year. However, one day I learned that Alex had deceived me and he had been seeing another girl. Then I decided to split up with Alex. I was me heartbroken but I knew that I had to get over that. The days went by and I didn’t know anything about him but, then, one day he called me to clear the air. Finally, we patched up our differences and we decided to be friends. I haven’t seen him for ages, but I know he will always be my friend.


When I was 20 years old, I started to go out with a girl from my university, we studied the
same thing, medicine. I met her the first day of university, and we fell in love, it was love at
first sight.

The first moths everything was fine, I loved her so much, and we used to do a lot of things together:
go to the cinema, go to the theatre, study medicine… Suddenly, every time I called her, she
didn’t answer the phone, and I didn’t know why. I tried to see her again to talk about what
had happened, but it was impossible. She was my first love and it took me three months to get
After a few years I discovered her in a web and what had happened with her, I couldn’t believe
what this page said, this web said that she had died in a car accident. I tried to phone her
family and her friends, but it was too late. After knowing this I haven’t been the same

23 nov 2012

My friend

A few years ago a French boy lived in Sa Mesquida, where I spend all my summers. He has been living in France for eight years and for this reason I haven’t seen him for ages, but I know he will always be my friend. This summer to my surprise he came again and he has shown me that in fact he is one of my best friends.

When he lived in Sa Mesquida we were always together and with other summer friends we went to swim, to play, to have dinner together, to the beach, on excursions, etc. He was very friendly and he was always hilarious. But one day he was very sad and we want to know what had happened. After that, he told us that his father had to return to France because of his job.

This year he was back to Menorca and we were together for one week and we found out that our friendship was the same as when we were children and he lived in Sa Mesquida. I’m very happy to have seen him again.

Long-distance relationship

A year ago my boyfriend decided to go to study to Barcelona, we spent all the summer
together, but finally the time to be apart arrived. We decided to have a
long-distance relationship, and at first everything was fine.

I went to Barcelona once and he came to see me a few times but suddenly, I
realized that every time I called him, he didn’t answer the phone. Later, I realized that
at the same time he was with me, he was dating another girl and I decided to
break up with him. That week I felt very sad and my friend was a good shoulder to cry on.

Finally, he regretted having deceived me and told me that he wanted to go back with me.
Despite his insistence of changing, I didn’t feel like having a long-distance relationship
with him at that moment so I told him to never phone me again.


When my family had got to the town they received us very well. For this reason we were very comfortable. And everybody wanted to help us for settle.

When I had to go to school I had to meet new people and to adapt. One day I was very sad and one day my new friend asked me what had happened I told him. I met my best friend who was my first friend ever time. Nevertheless, my best friend, whose name was Anthony, and me had a fights. Because of a girl. One day I had to go to another city. Since them we haven't seen each other. So I haven't seem him for ages, although I know he will always be my friend. In spite fighting I wanted him to try to reconcile. Nevertheless, one day we met again. At that moment we didn't remember what had happened when we were young.

When we remember the fight, we become be best friend. Because we know that was nothing. And now we are old and we have a family and we accepted that was nothing.

My trip to New York

Ten years ago I went to New York alone for a job interview at a multinational headquarters. One day I was walking in New York searching for the headquarters when suddenly, I crashed head-on into a girl who was drinking coffee and she spilt some on her dress. I was so sorry. In spite of having gotten her dress dirty, she forgave me. I was speaking to her about buying her a new dress but she refused instead I invited her fot a coffee the next day.I arranged to meet her the next day to have a coffee. We went to have a coffee in an awesome snack bar. I explained to her what I was doing in New York and she explained to me that she was working in a similar place. We saw each other often during my stay in New York and we became close friends. On the day of my return home, she came to say goodbye at the airport, which was sad, but I had to go back because my contract was over. We said goodbye and I left although I wanted to stay there.
After ten years, I haven’t seen her, but I know she will always be my friend.

Joel Pampillón 2 BAT B

A heartbreaking story

When I was young, I was a handsome guy with blonde hair. At the age of sixteen I had a very beautiful girlfriend called Lucy. She was fifteen and she was very clever. We started hanging out a lot, we were going to the movies, we went to the Parks and many other things.

One year later, thing were going very well, we were both in love with each other. Lucy's parents were not having a good relationship, so they split up. Lucy's mum decided to live in Italy. Lucy wanted to go with her mum, because she didn't like her dad a lot, but she didn't want to leave me.

Finally she decided to leave with her mum to Italy , she told me to keep in contact every day and that whenever she could come to Spain she would go. The first weeks we talked a lot, but after some months, we started to grow apart. Suddenly, every time I called her, she didn't answer the phone. The next day she called me, saying she was seeing another guy. I was heartbroken for weeks, but after that, I realized I had to keep on with my life, and that is what I did.

22 nov 2012


This summer I met a boy in a party, since the first moment we connect and enjoyed the next three days talking. He explained me that at the beginning of next month he had to go to a city far away to study.We agreed to meet on the third day. 
Although he came in his car, we spent the day walking around the city.
I remember as the words left his mouth and the glitter of his eyes hypnotizing me.
Later we take the car and went to an unspoilt beach where we lay on the sand starring at the stars. All of a sudden he put a beautiful song and the time was magical. 
When the song had finished, we looked into each other's eyes, something was shining, we got closer, slowly, until our lips met. When the kiss ended, the moon was hiding and we admit that ever since the first moment we had interested in the other. 

After that we had fallen in love, like in the movies.
The time went and we realized that despite our love, we were very different. 
The distance was a problem. At the end, we split up. It was a short relationship, however it was passionate. Maybe, if he had not had to go away everything had been well. At that moment, I realized that long-distance relationships don't work.

Ángeles García 2bach C

At that moment I realized long-distance relationships don't work

I always remember when I met Nat. One night of my holidays, I was in Barcelona, in a disco, I met a girl called Natalia. She was funny and gorgeous, and after dancing that night with her, she gave me her phone number.The next day, I called her and we went to a concert together. That was another excellent night, and after the concert, I worked up the courage and I asked her to go out with me, and she said: Yes! Of course! I was really happy that night. The next days, we were together all the time. We had our differences, but we always got over the differences and made it up. We had
fantastic moments together, and it seemed that we were going steady. I was delighted with her, and she too with me.  Problems started when my holidays finished and I had to return to Menorca. When I returned, I had terrible days because I missed her a lot, and she missed me too. At that moment I realized that long-distance relationships don’t work. Finally, we started going out with
other people, because we couldn't be together.

The end of the girl

It was a wekeend. There was a girl alone in her house because her parents had gone away. This girl was called Teresa and she was 15 years old. She had a good friend, called Pedro but she didn't know that he was falling in love. They went to the same scool.

On Saturday while she was having breakfast she suddenly heard a nosier. She was very frightened and she decided to call her friend. Pedro answered that he would arrive in twenty minutes. An hour had passed and he didn't appear. Furthermore, she was really nervous and as a result she didn't know what to do. Suddenly she heard a new noise so that every time she called him, he didn't answer the phone. She tried to phone him and she listened to music in the bathroom, she decided to go to the bathdroom. When she arrived in front of the door she heard a new noise, wich came from the living room. She went to the bathdroom when he suddenly saw her friend dead.

When she left the bathroom she didn't know what had happened, as a result that she thought she was going crazy. Finally a man from behind caught her and this was moment when her life finished.