22 nov 2012

At that moment I realized long-distance relationships don't work

I always remember when I met Nat. One night of my holidays, I was in Barcelona, in a disco, I met a girl called Natalia. She was funny and gorgeous, and after dancing that night with her, she gave me her phone number.The next day, I called her and we went to a concert together. That was another excellent night, and after the concert, I worked up the courage and I asked her to go out with me, and she said: Yes! Of course! I was really happy that night. The next days, we were together all the time. We had our differences, but we always got over the differences and made it up. We had
fantastic moments together, and it seemed that we were going steady. I was delighted with her, and she too with me.  Problems started when my holidays finished and I had to return to Menorca. When I returned, I had terrible days because I missed her a lot, and she missed me too. At that moment I realized that long-distance relationships don’t work. Finally, we started going out with
other people, because we couldn't be together.

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