22 nov 2012


I am going to tell you about six girl friends of mine. One of them is the most important because we have knownn each other for ages. We have grown up in the same town, and when we were children we used to go to the same school.
But, unfortunately, we have had to get separated since we will study abroad. I also have a boyfriend called Arnau.

What about the five other friends of mine? They are also very close friends. We met three years ago and we have been studying together at the same school.
When my best friend Aurora travelled to Rome I went to London. For this reason we have lost contact with our four friends since they have remained in Spain. Although Aurora and I keep in touch, it’s only by email.
However, my boyfriend is still in Menorca so he is looking forward to coming London to join me, which causes thrills me much emotion.
My love affair with Arnau upsets Aurora, she feels a little bit jealous. Consequently, she stopped sending me emails for few weeks, which makes me very sad.

After two months without any news from Aurora, I decided to call her. We had a very long conversation, we explained our arguments and we felt that our friendship was very strong and reliable.

Finally, my boyfriend arrived in London. We are both studying at the University. Aurora, in Rome, is very happy too, she met many foreign students. We are in touch with her.
Although I haven’t seen her for ages, I know she will always be my friend.


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