26 nov 2012

My Holidays

That’s an adventure that I had when I was living in Cairo, Egypt. I had arrived there two months ago and I loved Egypt and the pyramids. The first day of the holidays I took the day to visit the pyramids.
At ten o’clock every day many buses left the city and go to the pyramids full of tourists. After three pyramids, the bus stopped in the last one, small and discarded. I entered with a family and a girl. The family turn left to a corridor and I and the girl were watching the hieroglyphics. Without realising I pressed a picture of a bird and the brick went inside of the wall. A door appeared in front of me. I didn’t know what had happened. The girl looked me surprised and she introduced herself. Her name was Lisa and she was from London. After a small conversation we entered in the door. There was a tunnel after the door. We continued walking and then we arrived to a room. Suddenly, the walls began to move and the room was becoming more and more small. Luckily there was a small door in the floor and we appeared in other room, that was very big and plenty of things. It was the treasure of a pharaoh.
Ten minutes later, many people were around the pyramid. Before many questions of newspapermans, it had arrived the moment to return to my house so I said goodbye to her. I haven’t seen her for ages, but I know she will always be my friend because of that day.

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