13 nov 2012


  1. What are some of the advatages of plastic bags?
  2. What percentage of plastic bags are recycled?
  3. What's the worst problem with plastic bags?
  4. What do diamonds and plastic bags have in common?
  5. What happens with plankton in some parts of the Pacific?
  6. Why do sea turtles eat floating plastic bags?
  7. What happens when seagulls or turtles don't choke on the plastic they eat?
We all love living by the ocean. The sunsets are spectacular and the marine life is breathtaking. The ocean inspires awe and praise to God for his sensational creativity. As followers of Christ, we are not only inspired by the ocean, we are moved to care for it. The Pacific Ocean is facing a crisis created by a human success story. The plastic bag
Plastic bags were first introduced about 25 years ago. They’re cheap to produce and easy to store. We produce between 500 billion and 1 trillion plastic bags every year and only 1 to 3 % are ever recycled. We Californians discard 400 bags per second. The problem with these bags, they don’t biodegrade, they get broken up into smaller pieces but they don’t truly go away.
Diamonds and plastics have something in common- no plastics aren’t a girls’ best friend, but like diamonds, they last for ever. Alarmingly, in some parts of the Pacific plastic outnumbers plankton 6 to 1. Often marine life will mistake plastic for food. Sea turtles will eat a floating plastic bag while mistaking it for a jellyfish. A seagull swoops down and swallows little bits of plastic. If the animals don’t choke on the plastic,it eventually fills up their stomachs and they die of starvation. All plastics are bad, but single-used plastics, like the ever present plastic bag, are becoming a deadly problem in our Pacific Ocean.
God created this earth to sustain life. We want to help restore it to the way he intended, so. How can you help?

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