20 nov 2012


Pedro has been my friend since I was a child. I remember him every day and he was a very important person in my life, but one day he was a terrible accident with his motorbike. 

He woke up late because he had been studying for his English exam until 2 o’clock morning. He go out of bed, got dressed, got his bag and went out on his motorbike to arrive at school in time for the exam. 

It had been raining all night and the roads were wet and slippery. He was in a hurry and going too fast. He approached the roundabouts and began to turn, but slipped on the wet road and fell off the motorbike and went under the car. The driver stopped his car and tried to help Pedro. There was a lot of blood on the road, the man called an ambulance and waited with Pedro. 

Pedro spent a long time in hospital, but the doctors couldn’t do anything to save his life. That’s the reason why I haven’t seen him for ages, but I know he will always be my friend though he is dead.

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