19 nov 2012

I will always remember the summer I met Joan

I will always remember the summer I met Joan. I was on holiday in Menorca with my

family and we decided to go round the island by boat, because we had been told it was

a great experience. Nobody expected what was going to happen, neither did I, but

because of that, I met Joan, so at last it hadn’t been that bad.

Everything started when we were in es Grau, a small seaside village in the north

of the island. It was a really windy day, and although my father is a great sailor, he

couldn’t avoid crashing into the cliffs. It’s impossible to explain how I felt when the

water pushed me deeper and deeper, I couldn’t do anything to reach the surface, and I

couldn’t breathe! Finally I lost consciousness. When I woke up the first thing I saw was

a strange boy staring at me, he seemed very happy and he helped me to sit up.

He told me he was Joan and he explained to me that the rest of the family was alright.

The problem was that the boat was totally destroyed and it took over a moth to repair

it. Meanwhile, we stayed in es Grau, where those friendly people took us in their small

houses. Although we couldn’t continue our trip as it was planned I would never change

what happened. It was the best month in my life! Joan and I did many things together,

and I learned a lot with him! During the day we went kayaking, diving, fishing… and at

nights we eventually camped in the forest or on the beaches and watched the stars and

he explained to me amazing stories about them. He was the only person who made

me feel free and safe. Only in one month he became my best friend, but as it is usually

said, best things never last, and It came the day that I had to come back home.

At the beginning we phoned each other twice a week but as time passed, we lost any

kind of contact. But the best part of all is that although I haven’t seen him for ages, I

know he will always be my friend.

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