8 abr 2012


Nowadays discrimination is a common topic in our society, because it is said that our society continues to discriminate, both gender and racially, although it's said that society isn’t as discriminating as before and some even say it is not. 

This discrimination exists at school, university, in the streets, even in the workplace. Many times people have encountered problems to find a job, just for being a woman and, for this reason, likely to get pregnant or because the woman is less able than man, for being a senior too and, of course, being different color. At school some children insult their classmates  for being different, then how we want our children aren’t racist when they are older?

In conclusion, If we teach them from childhood not to marginalize different people, maybe someday this discrimination won't exist despite our differences, as all people are humans and entitled to be respected. 

2 comentarios:

  1. Correct the mistakes and post it again. Underline the changes or use another colour. (you're still translating from Spanish!)

  2. Notice I've made some changes and corrected a few more things ( in blue). Read it again, change the colour of my correction and erase the underlined things.
    Notice that quizás= maybe (one word). In the previous essay you put may be = puede que sea...
