10 abr 2012


Nowadays a lot of people enjoy going to the gym to exercise their body in their spare time. But why has this activity increased lately?

Nowadays our jobs don't require physical strength. Our activities have become sedentary, we don’t need to keep fit to develop our routine work. The other way round, our work doesn’t keep us fit either. This may be one of the reasons why we’re going to the gym, we simply want to get or keep fit.

Going to the gym is also a great way to relax in our free time, there are several activities to do. Furthermore, exercise gives us pleasure and a great satisfaction. We may want to go to the gym because of an esthetic reason, to look fit and great, or because of a health reason, it’s always good to do some exercise and keep the body active.

Another reason for gym’s popularity may be it’s simplicity: most sports need time to be practiced fluently, some of them may need years to get the basics. This doesn’t happen in gyms where most of the exercises are easy to understand and not very difficult to do, also most of the machines and several devices can be adjusted to our capacities and level. The great variety of exercises may also be interesting for clients, when you get tired of exercising a certain part of your body you can do another exercise and simply exercise another muscle or articulation.

Personally, I don’t go to the gym, I prefer to do some sport such as tennis or simply do a few exercises at home: you don’t need a gym to keep fit. Anyway, of course, a gym is an excellent way to maintain our body in shape, it helps a lot to exercise parts of your body which you may not be able to exercise at home. I may some day go to a gym if I get enough free time, studies require a lot of time.

3 comentarios:

  1. This time I made a few suggestions to improve your composition.
    Correct the mistakes and as you did in the previous one, underline the changes or change the colour or your corrections.

    1. Ok, I've started correcting but there are two mistakes which I don't know how to correct. Could you please explain me what's missing there?

  2. Good correction, but I made a few more corrections in blue. Now you can erase the things in red.
