15 abr 2012

Sleep debt

The fact that people, nowadays, sleep less than before, is something that is happening worldwide and it can cause serious problems in our health and affect on / affect our daily lives.

I think that daily life has changed comparing with the past/,compared to the past, daily life has changed. People in general, spend more hours working or doing extra-activities than before. People probably are getting more stressed and have a lot of problems that people didn’t have before, maybe because (prep)/ of the crisis. The ingestion of alcohol, caffeine or other products at night produce that we can’t sleep.

Also, the technological machines, like computers, TV, mobile phones and others are making people spending / waste more time, above all at night, and it makes us to  more time awake or maybe that we don’t sleep enough/ and therefore, we don't sleep enough/ which makes us stay away more time and consequently we don't have enough sleep. The recommendation is to sleep between 7-8 hours per night.  All this is causing a great damage on our health, because we need to sleep enough time to be disposable / ready to work or make/ do activities correctly. 

To sum up, we should change some things in our lives, we should be used to try/ get used to trying to organize our daily lives with the purpose to/ to / in order to / so as to / so that we can sleep the hours that we need  and in consequence, feel better with ourselves. If we don’t do it, we could have health problems in the future. 

2 comentarios:

  1. You should have posted this a week ago. Try not to translate literally. Now you can use the dictionary to check the mistakes you've made. Correct them and underline the changes.

  2. The words in red are still wrong. The final correction is in blue. Read it again, erase the words in red and write everything in black.
