15 abr 2012

Mobile phones should be forbidden at high schools

   The fact about banning the use of mobile phones at schools is being highly debated nowadays. Teachers and parents think they're a big distraction for students and it has an adverse effect on their marks. Consequently, because they waste a lot of time using applications like Whats App, facebook, twitter, etc., while they're in clas or in the playground. The question is, should they be forbidden?

On the one hand, mobile phones are always useful for students to contact with their friends or with their family in case they need to do it/ while they're at school or in class, but only if there is a real emergency to use their mobile phone, if not, they shouldn't have to use/ shouldn't use it for anything else. 

On the other hand, it is evident that it can be a problem for students using the mobile phone at school, because they waste a lot of time connected and distracted during the hours of class, and in consequence, they don't listen to the teachers, they don't understand what they are doing and when they're studying, it will be a problem for them, it's also a respect foult/ rude / disrespectful to the teachers and classmates. 

All in all, I don't agree with forbidding the use of mobile phones at high schools, but they should have only use it/ should only use it in case of emergency or for an  important thing they need to do. If students don't use their mobile only for that/ use them for other reasons, teachers should take  their mobiles until the class have/ has finished or if they're too irresponsible, then teachers would brought/ could take it away from them  it for a week or finally, call to/ call their parents.

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