26 abr 2012




Slang Words Beginning with A  /  B  /  C  /  D  /  E /  F  /  G  /  H  / I  /   J  /   K  /
 L  /  M  /  N   / P  /  Q  /  R  /  S  /   T  /  U and V  / W  /  Y and Z 



List of idioms and informal English A - M

List of idioms and informal English N - Z


Idioms From A - M
American English idioms - letter A
American English idioms - letter B
American English idioms - letter C
American English idioms - letter D
American English idioms - letter E
American English idioms - letter F
American English idioms - letter G
American English idioms - letter H
American English idioms - letter I
American English idioms - letter J
American English idioms - letter K
American English idioms - letter L
American English idioms - letter M

Idioms From N - Z
American English idioms - letter N
American English idioms - letter O
American English idioms - letter P
American English idioms - letter Q
American English idioms - letter R
American English idioms - letter S
American English idioms - letter T
American English idioms - letter U
American English idioms - letter V
American English idioms - letter W
American English idioms - letter X
American English idioms - letter Y
American English idioms - letter Z











Nowadays discrimination exists everywhere, in school, in some homes, in the  workplace... It should disappear because it is unfair but many people live with this problem. Some people look down on others, people who judge others unfairly.

For many years women have been discriminated in the workplace. A lot of people think that women are incompetent for certain jobs, for this reason a lot of women aren't allowed to do some jobs. I think this is very unfair, and it shouldn't be allowed to discriminate against women as women and potential mothers. In the work place,  in addition to gender discrimination,  there is also racial discrimination. Today a lot of people are discriminated because of skin color and everywhere there are fights for this reason. So black people are usually discriminated in the workplace. Some people don't only discriminate on gender or race issues, there are business people who hire illegal people with low salary and make them work for many hours.

To sum up, nowadays and for years there are many people that discriminate against others. In my opinion, this attitude  is very unfair and deceptive. I think that these situations should be avoided and we have to defend people's equality.

Why do you think people like going to the gym? What about you?

Nowadays a lot of people go to the gym to be fit. People are more and more concerned about their appearance, for this reason they like going to the gym.

A lot of people go to the gym all year because they like to make a good impression but there are people who only go for a few months before summer because they want to be thin to go to the beach. Fitness is very important and good, however, the gym can become an obsession. What's more, nowadays people are too concerned about appearance and often they forget that people are more than appearance. Personally, I prefer to do sports outside any gym like badminton or tennis.

To sum up, a lot of people like going to the gym because they like to make a good impression but they should do it slowly. Doing sport is very good for our health but it shouldn't become an obsession.

Physical appearance

Nowadays too much importance is given to physical appearance, lots of people think physical appearance is more important than any other thing.

In my opinion physical appearance isn't the most important thing when you are looking for a partner. First of all, I think everyone should find out what's that person's personality like. Furthermore, another important thing is to discover if that person is nice or not to you, or if you both have the same interests. What's more, giving too much importance to physical appearance can be a serious problem, because you only know how that person is physically; when you do get to know, it is too late.

In conclusion, don't give too much importance to the physical appearance of someone, know him o her first, and then, if you are sure that person is nice to you then go on.


Do you think bullfighting is right or wrong? What are your thoughts on bullfighting? 
Bullfighting is part of Spanish culture but it causes a lot controversy among Spanish and foreign animal protectors.
In my opinion, as well as being part of Spanish culture, it’s a tradition that shouldn’t be lost as it’s considered a form of art. The bull doesn’t really suffer as much as people think, especially the species of bulls that are used in bullfighting and anyway a bull always has a chance to survive if it manages to gore the bullfighter. Furthermore, bullfighting is a way of generating money as many Spanish and foreign people go and watch it, consequently, it’s good for the Spanish economy. Moreover, it’s a way of protecting the species of bulls which could become extinct.

In conclusion, I think bullfighting shouldn’t be banned as we would be losing one of our most important traditions and part of our identity

15 abr 2012


Bullfighting is an event where a person, called "matador" in Spanish, kills a bull cruelly, with a lot of people seeing it. This event is a feature of Spanish culture.

Some people defend bullfighting saying that was and is a tradition of our country, and because of that we should preserve it. Another argument for bullfighting could be that everybody is free to do and like whatever they want, respecting, of course, the Human Rights.

But there are a lot of people in Spain that are against bullfighting saying that it's a cruelty act against the animal rights. These people think that it's not funny to kill an animal, and also show it to tourists as a Spanish symbol.

It's scientifically proved that animals have no feelings, and because of that I think that we shouldn't ban an important tradition for many people in Andalusia and other parts of Spain. Maybe we should concentrate on whether what they do and the traditions they have are ethical or not.


Bullfighting is an old tradition in Spain, in which a man confronts a bull. Usually the animal is injured and killed , so there is controversy on whether this tradition should be banned. As far as I’m concerned, bullfighting, although it is typically Spanish, will disappear.

Firstly, the bull is tortured as the matador stabs the animal a few ornaments. After all the suffering, he is killed in a thrust. Even, sometimes the bullfighter cuts the ears or tail. 
Secondly, many people say that the animal dies with dignity but this is not true, he can't defend himself and if he does, he is killed  anyway.

In conclusion, killing an animal without any reason, only to pass the time, is cruel and it should be prohibited.

Why do you think people in general sleep less now than before? Do you think the pace of modern life may be bad for us?

Nowadays people are more likely to suffer from stress due to modern lifestyle leading to sleep disorders such as sleep debt but, what other effects has stress in our lives?

First of all, modern lifestyle is marked by stress and hurries which affect negatively on our health and may cause psychological and physical diseases such as depression and cronical exhaustion. One of the well known consequences of stress is sleep debt which is marked by mental and physical fatigue. This might be caused because of demands of work, social activities and this makes us sleep less than in the old days. I think this could be fixed by predeterminating a schedule and by making people more organized so they would sleep more. Modern life makes things easier for us but it is also hastier and an example of modern life and hurries are fast food restaurants which nowadays are succesfull but they weren't in the past.

To sum up, modern life is marked by stress and we are more likely to suffer from sleep debt  and other diseases derived from stress.


Today many people are stressed for many different reasons. The economy is the main factor why people are losing sleep, but work and family problems are also some reasons.

Many times people are stressed because they don't have enough time to do  everything they have to do, so this means that many people may not sleep well and rest. Today our lifestyle obliges us to wake up early and go to bed very late, either because we have to work, study or because we are addicted to video games, Internet, television or mobile phones. So if we continue sleeping less than 7 or 8 hours, in the future, we may be prone to problems of obesity, depression or anxiety.

In conclusion, we have so many distractions in our everyday life that many people don't realize that sleep is very important to our health.


In the last few years bullfighting has become more and more controversial. But is bullfighting right or wrong?  Here are some ideas that make me believe that bullfighting must not be banned.

Firstly, bullfighting is a very important tradition in Spain, and it is a very popular one too, if we ban bullfighting we will lose our culture, every country has it's different traditions and they are all slowly losing them. Secondly, the bulls that participate in this tradition are very aggressive animals and they protect themselves, so the bullfighters are in a very dangerous position when they fight, because they have the same chances of getting hurt, so it's a fair fight.

To sum up, bullfighting is the symbol of the culture of Spain and, even though I don't watch it, it shouldn't be banned because of its popularity.

Sleep debt

The fact that people, nowadays, sleep less than before, is something that is happening worldwide and it can cause serious problems in our health and affect on / affect our daily lives.

I think that daily life has changed comparing with the past/,compared to the past, daily life has changed. People in general, spend more hours working or doing extra-activities than before. People probably are getting more stressed and have a lot of problems that people didn’t have before, maybe because (prep)/ of the crisis. The ingestion of alcohol, caffeine or other products at night produce that we can’t sleep.

Also, the technological machines, like computers, TV, mobile phones and others are making people spending / waste more time, above all at night, and it makes us to  more time awake or maybe that we don’t sleep enough/ and therefore, we don't sleep enough/ which makes us stay away more time and consequently we don't have enough sleep. The recommendation is to sleep between 7-8 hours per night.  All this is causing a great damage on our health, because we need to sleep enough time to be disposable / ready to work or make/ do activities correctly. 

To sum up, we should change some things in our lives, we should be used to try/ get used to trying to organize our daily lives with the purpose to/ to / in order to / so as to / so that we can sleep the hours that we need  and in consequence, feel better with ourselves. If we don’t do it, we could have health problems in the future. 

Mobile phones should be forbidden at high schools

   The fact about banning the use of mobile phones at schools is being highly debated nowadays. Teachers and parents think they're a big distraction for students and it has an adverse effect on their marks. Consequently, because they waste a lot of time using applications like Whats App, facebook, twitter, etc., while they're in clas or in the playground. The question is, should they be forbidden?

On the one hand, mobile phones are always useful for students to contact with their friends or with their family in case they need to do it/ while they're at school or in class, but only if there is a real emergency to use their mobile phone, if not, they shouldn't have to use/ shouldn't use it for anything else. 

On the other hand, it is evident that it can be a problem for students using the mobile phone at school, because they waste a lot of time connected and distracted during the hours of class, and in consequence, they don't listen to the teachers, they don't understand what they are doing and when they're studying, it will be a problem for them, it's also a respect foult/ rude / disrespectful to the teachers and classmates. 

All in all, I don't agree with forbidding the use of mobile phones at high schools, but they should have only use it/ should only use it in case of emergency or for an  important thing they need to do. If students don't use their mobile only for that/ use them for other reasons, teachers should take  their mobiles until the class have/ has finished or if they're too irresponsible, then teachers would brought/ could take it away from them  it for a week or finally, call to/ call their parents.


Nowadays, discrimination has already been extended  all around the world/ is terribly widespread. Besides, it can be seen everywhere: in schools, universities, on the streets and even in the workplace. That way, people who are different in one way or another face more troubles than the ones who society claim  to be ‘normal’.

Discrimination has always existed in the workplace . Black people who became slaves, women who couldn’t work, homosexuals being fired if they were discovered. It has improved, but it still exists. For example, a man and a woman doing the same job have often a different salary (of course, the man’s is higher), or a black person having much more trouble to find a job because the employer tends to hire only white people. At least, discrimination towards homosexuals seems to have reduced considerably, although there're still people who hate them, who knows why.

To sum up, discrimination in the workplace has obviously reduced, but it’s still very unfair to those who are ‘different’, although we are all humans. Hopefully, someday it will be nonexistent and we will all start from zero, with the same opportunities.


Nowadays people are healthier than 30 years ago, because people do more sport, eat better and are worried about their health. Moreover, there are more gyms, cycleways have been created, a huge variety of sports have come out and medicine has evolved in that issue. On the other hand, new problems which didn't exist before, such as sedentarim or a sedentary lifestyle and obesity, have also appeared.

Since people don't have much time,  they prefer to use their car or public transport rather than walk or cycle and go to restaurants that serve junk food, also known as fast food, because it's cheap and doesn't take long to cook. Besides, when they have time, they prefer to stay at home rather than go out for a walk, run... Consequently, there are more obese adults and children. These days, child  obesity is a seriously problem that must be treated, because kids only like this sort of food and parents, as they don't want to argue, let them eat unhealthy food.

To sum up, it's true that today we are healthier than the people of the sixties, but we also have problems that they didn't have. So, what we have to do is try to solve these problems so as to be healthy.


As you may know, bullfighting is a Spanish traditional sport in which a man, the bullfighter, is in a closed place with a bull and has to kill it in an amusing way. Anyway, it’s very popular in the country, but as any other controversial activity, it   has its supporters  but it   is also attacked by lots of people who want it to be banned.

First of all, before our entertainment, we should consider what we are doing. Is it really human, meaningful, to kill a bull in a bloody way while thousands of people watch, amused? Do these people feel something towards the suffering bull? It reminds me of that old tradition of throwing a goat from a belfry. It seems that in this country, people like seeing animals in pain. It’s creepy, isn’t it? But there're   people who want to ban it and are fighting to do so (for example, in Cataluña). Maybe the rest of Spain will follow their lead.
On the other hand, it has its supporters as well. The ones who claim it to be an important part of the tradition of the country. Well, that’s true, but really, if it has to be this way, I’d prefer there was no tradition.

To sum up, in spite of being part of this country’s tradition, I agree with all the ones that are trying to stop this murderous sport, maybe to bring some humanity, to make people think first of the lives they are taking rather than   their own entertainment.

Going to the gym

Nowadays, people have shown a massive interest in going to the gym and enhance their muscles.  But, why do people only go to the gym? Are there any alternatives?

In my opinion, people go to the gym, firstly, because they want to improve their body and, mainly, due to the advertisements on TV with spectacular models and exaggerated bodies. Moreover, people can establish relationships with others in the gym, it  is a good way to meet people and because of this, a lot of people like going to the gym. In addition, they think that gym machines are the best way to get stronger and enhance their fitness, but in my opinion there are other  ways, like running and other activities done without machines, that improve our health and our body.  We shouldn’t improve only our strength, but also other athletic abilities. Finally, I think that people should control what they do in the gym, because they can damage their body or get an oversized strength.

In conclusion, going to the gym is fashionable among people who want to do exercise, and it is a good choice if we combine it with other activities and if we control what we do. 

Sleep debt

It’s a fact that, nowadays, people sleep less hours per night than before, and that this may cause damage in our health.

In my opinion, people sleep less now because their lifestyle has changed. Leisure time is spent in other activities that are scheduled later than in the past. We consume more caffeine from coffee and other drinks, we have a different workday and we have more amenities at home than before. Computers, televisions and other devices are making people go to bed later because they offer more alternatives than in the past. All of these things are thought to be damaging our health, because we’re sleeping less hours per night than the hours required. Consequently, we should make some changes in our lifestyle, administrating better our leisure time and trying to consume less caffeine, in order to sleep all the hours we need and feel better.

To sum up, what is causing a sleep debt is the frenetic life of our century, and we have to get used to it (with probable health problems) or change it. 

14 abr 2012

The gym

Nowadays gyms are more important than before, because maybe currently appearance is important when you look for a job or meet people and you  want to be pretty and go to gym to get fit.

In my opinion, the gym is useful when you need to get fit, moreover if it rains, you can do some exercises  without getting wet. In addition,  you can get fit in all parts of your body with its machines and some elements . Furthermore,  a lot of people are obsessed  with their body  and take some pills and others drugs to look stronger than others.

In conclusion,the gym is good when you need to get fit,  but  it can be bad / it can have a negative effect when you  are obsessed with your body and you take pills to look pretty.

13 abr 2012


Do you think bullfighting is right or wrong? What are your thoughts on bullfighting?

Bullfighting is part of Spanish culture but it causes a lot controversy among Spanish and foreign animal protectors.
In my opinion, as well as being part of Spanish culture, it’s a tradition that shouldn’t be lost as it’s considered a form of art. The bull doesn’t really suffer as much as people think, especially the species of bulls that are used in bullfighting and anyway a bull always has a chance to survive if it manages to gore the bullfighter. Furthermore, bullfighting is a way of generating money as many Spanish and foreign people go and watch it, consequently, it’s good for the Spanish economy. Moreover, it’s a way of protecting the species of bulls which could become extinct.

In conclusion, I think bullfighting shouldn’t be banned as we would be losing one of our most important traditions and part of our identity. 

12 abr 2012




Nowadays, we sleep less than before but we don’t know why. Maybe we don’t need to sleep eight hours or we have more important things to do.

In my opinion we sleep less because we like doing other things more than sleeping such as watching TV, surf the Internet, etc. Some people think sleeping is a waste of time and they only sleep four or five hours in order to have time to do interesting things. To my mind, sleep is very important because it’s healthy and you recover the energy you have wasted during the day. Moreover, if you have slept properly you will do your tasks better and you’ll be happier.

To sum up, sleeping is one of the most important things and we should sleep at least eight hours every day, if not, we could have serious problems, especially health difficulties.


Bullfighting is a tradition in Spain  which now is being debated by some people. In this tradition some experts, usually men,  fight against the bulls and try to kill them.

Some people think that banning bullfighting implies banning a Spanish tradition and many Spanish people are identified with this tradition. These people don’t think that animals are similar to humans, they think that they don’t have feelings. And in our country there are some laws against animal abuse, but this law doesn’t include the bulls, if we can’t kill a dog or a cat why can we kill a bull, they are animals  too.

Finally I think that bullfighting is a tradition of Spain, but I don’t like it, because a lot of people have a great time watching a man kill a bull , and I really think that bullfighting should be banned, because it isn’t a good spectacle.

11 abr 2012


According to studies conducted in recent years, people sleep less than years ago. But, why do we sleep less than before? Maybe we need fewer hours to sleep, or we don’t take care of our health.

It’s true that now we can be more entertained , it is easier to do more things, like playing sports, watching TV… but can these things take away our hours of sleep? As we do more things, we are more stressed. For this reason, our lives are faster than before, although we live longer. A person needs eight hours of sleep every night and if we don’t sleep eight hours, we are tired and we have health problems.

In conclusion, if we don’t get enough sleep, we will have serious problems in the future, and then there will be no solution. So if we want to live as well as before, we have to take care of our health and for that we need to sleep more. 


Going to the gym is a common practice in our society. Some people hate doing sport, but others can’t live without exercising their bodies. Why do they like going to the gym?

First of all I think that doing sport is important for many reasons. Everybody knows that going to the gym is good to our body. If we don’t move at all, we’ll have several health problems. When we practice sport we’re avoiding having a sedentary lifestyle. Furthermore, sport makes us feel good with ourselves. I think that if you are healthy and you look good, you’ll be happier than if you don’t. In my opinion, if you don’t like going to the gym you just need to take the first step and you’ll see that in the end you’ll love it.

In conclusion, when you go to the gym you’re improving your lifestyle. Sport makes us healthy and it’s necessary in our lives.


Nowadays people sleep less than 20 or 30 years ago. An adult needs eight hours of sleep per night, but why do we sleep less? Do we need to sleep less than before? Or are we damaging our health?

From my point of view, our lives are faster than before. Modern life is more stressing and we have lots of things to do every day, so we sleep less in order to have more time to do those things. To my mind, we’re reducing our hours of sleep because we need more time to do things such as homework, study, housework… Moreover, when we don’t sleep enough hours, we’re causing health problems and we are overcharging our body. We need to rest because our body needs to repose.

In my opinion, if we don’t start to sleep more hours we’ll have serious health problems in the future because our body won’t be able to bear it.

10 abr 2012


Man working out



Gyms, Sport and Health

The number of people who go to the gym  increased during the 90s, but nowadays the tendency is to give it up replacing it by doing  no sport.

First of all I think we should know what a gym is. A gym is an urban indoor place where you can do some sport exercises. But why did people start to fill gyms in the 90s? That's because these people wanted to get thinner in order to be more attractive in current society. But we should realise that a healthy body is not given by a gym, but by health... and in part we can get healthy practising sport, but not only with sport, we should carry out a balanced diet, sleep well and not getting stressed by work or everyday's lifestyle. Moreover, I think sports that make you feel closer to nature are more healthy to our mind... I mean sports like running, cycling, swimming, hiking, sailing... Furthermore, these sports are highly recommended by cardiologists, nutritionists...

In conclusion, I think that the thing what we really should take into account is our health, because without it, we can't do anything. And this is what we should say to somebody who leaves a gym saying "because I haven't improved my figure": avoiding sport and, consequently, a healthy lifestyle, the thing you're not improving is your life quality.


Nowadays a lot of people enjoy going to the gym to exercise their body in their spare time. But why has this activity increased lately?

Nowadays our jobs don't require physical strength. Our activities have become sedentary, we don’t need to keep fit to develop our routine work. The other way round, our work doesn’t keep us fit either. This may be one of the reasons why we’re going to the gym, we simply want to get or keep fit.

Going to the gym is also a great way to relax in our free time, there are several activities to do. Furthermore, exercise gives us pleasure and a great satisfaction. We may want to go to the gym because of an esthetic reason, to look fit and great, or because of a health reason, it’s always good to do some exercise and keep the body active.

Another reason for gym’s popularity may be it’s simplicity: most sports need time to be practiced fluently, some of them may need years to get the basics. This doesn’t happen in gyms where most of the exercises are easy to understand and not very difficult to do, also most of the machines and several devices can be adjusted to our capacities and level. The great variety of exercises may also be interesting for clients, when you get tired of exercising a certain part of your body you can do another exercise and simply exercise another muscle or articulation.

Personally, I don’t go to the gym, I prefer to do some sport such as tennis or simply do a few exercises at home: you don’t need a gym to keep fit. Anyway, of course, a gym is an excellent way to maintain our body in shape, it helps a lot to exercise parts of your body which you may not be able to exercise at home. I may some day go to a gym if I get enough free time, studies require a lot of time.


Nowadays, experts say that people sleep less than before and, in spite of sleeping a bit more during weekends we can't recover the working days sleep debt.

In my opinion the sleep debt of today's people is caused by our hectic lifestyle. On the one hand, if wehave more stressful jobs than  before, we should need more sleeping hours. On the other hand, people who have stressing jobs are the people who sleep less, probably because their lifestyle requires more free time in order to disconnect from their jobs. Despite knowing this, people are still sleeping less than they need, because they think they will have no side effects, and this is what experts warn us about: the sleep debt is going to be paid in the future, and this damage will be irreversible

In conclusion, if you want to be better in studies, in your job....you should do for a short term, assessing your goodness and, first of all, your health.

Why do you think people in general sleep less now than before? Do you think the pace of modern life may be us?

Most people are sleeping less now than before. However, our lifestyle seems to have improved. What has happened?
I think that the new modern lifestyle has made our lives busier than before. For instance, nowadays most people have got a job, some hobbies, a family and financial problems. Therefore, our lives have become more enjoyable owing to their hobbies, but we have less time in order to do other things like sleeping. Workdays have also become longer so as to allow them to invest more money in hobbies. Moreover, internet networks need a lot of time to be up-to-date with society, above all for teenagers.
In conclusion, we should relax a bit and enjoy our lives without leaving out pleasures like sleeping and resting.

Why do you think people like going to the gym? What about you?

Nowadays, a lot of teenagers and some adults prefer going to the gym to going running or doing another aerobic sport.
Most teenagers want to have a slim and strong body in order to be proud of themselves. Due to this, they join up in gyms, because this activity is the easiest and fastest solution. Probably they don’t like doing exercise, but as they notice the results of their work in the machines, they become lovers of the bodybuilder’s lifestyle. In my opinion, gyms can be a good alternative in order to do exercise but, however, they aren’t enough. Personally, I think we should improve all of our capacities: flexibility, strength, velocity/speed and resistance, without abusing none of them.
In conclusion, we should have a healthy lifestyle doing sport and exercising the whole body. We needn’t be bodybuilders or professional athletes; we should only enjoy doing sport and take care of our health.

9 abr 2012


Bullfighting is a traditional show in Spain, where experts called “toreros” run in a square with a bull and people go there to have a good time.

On the one hand, some people think that bullfighting is a traditional activity and that it shouldn’t be banned because it’s a way to express Spanish art such as painting or singing. Moreover, people don’t think animals have feelings, so they think it’s funny to mistreat them.

On the other hand people think animals have feelings and it’s cruel to treat them like that or even kill them. Furthermore, bullfighting is not the only traditional activity in Spain and there are more ethical things to have a good time.

To sum up, I think bullfighting is part of our culture although I don’t like it at all. I think it’s very cruel and boring and I would never go there to spend my time.

Why are we bullfighting?

Bullfighting is a common spectacle in our country, but lately it's being questioned by part of the population. The discussion is about whether it's ethical or not.

In my opinion, bullfighting is anachronistic: it’s been a long time since we started bullfighting, most of countries have left behind some “traditions” which weren’t politically correct. We’ve kept this tradition, if we can consider bullfighting so.

Our laws protect animals from abuse, we cannot injure seriously our dog, for example. But there’s an exception in these laws: bulls aren’t protected. We may ask ourselves why. Don’t have bulls the same rights as other animals? Aren’t they animals too? Isn’t it a contradiction? Perhaps these laws exclude bulls in order not to forbid bullfighting. Perhaps we’re admitting that bullfighting is an abuse, a torture which ends with the animal’s death.

Some may say that bullfighting is interesting for tourists: Spain is the only place in Europe where we can see this spectacle. But we all know that bullfighting is not the only thing we have in this country: our beautiful beaches and our hot weather are the main source of tourists. Probably, most tourists don’t even see a bullfight during their stay in Spain.

Most of the media talk about great bullfights and famous bullfighters, but most of them don’t show the cruelty of this spectacle. The bull dies because of a massive loss of blood while everyone shouts and claps.

To sum up, I think bull fighting should be left in our past: it’s contradictory, cruel and it may not be interesting for our visitors.


Firstly, there are so many types of discrimination and all of these take part under law. The most common are race and gender discrimination and the easiest one to prove. For example, gender discrimination is shown in the salaries between a man and a woman. Both of them have the alike job and do the same, but the man is paid a higher salary than the woman. Although the government is trying to decrease this inequality, it's very difficult, because discrimination is shown in so many forms that it can be noticed in one way or another. Since it's known that employement discrimination exists and it's forbidden by the law, some companies have warned their employees to avoid it. What's more, the media has helped to bring it to public view and make people be concerned about it.

In conclusion, discrimination is an unfair treatment that is forbidden by the law, even so it's still happening. In my opinion, we need to be more concerned so as to end with it and be able to have the same rights, salary... when different people are working in the same job.

Why do you think people like going to the gym? What about you? Explain.

Nowadays a lot of people go to the gym in order to get fit because in our days physical appearance is more important than some years before. But sometimes you can hurt yourself in the gym if you don’t do it well.
In the past, people went to the gym to do  exercise, to keep fit or because they liked  it. But now physical appearance is more important and people prefer to do intensive sport in a short period of time and they think that it is enough to  lose some weight. However, experts say that it is much better to do moderate sport but for a long period of time. What’s more, not only gyms can help you to get fit and be healthy, in my opinion it is  much better to do other sports like walking, jogging, tennis, or whatever instead of going to the gym.

In conclusion, I think that being healthy is important, very important, but not to be good looking. Doing sport is important for oneself and because a healthy person is happier.

8 abr 2012


Nowadays discrimination is a common topic in our society, because it is said that our society continues to discriminate, both gender and racially, although it's said that society isn’t as discriminating as before and some even say it is not. 

This discrimination exists at school, university, in the streets, even in the workplace. Many times people have encountered problems to find a job, just for being a woman and, for this reason, likely to get pregnant or because the woman is less able than man, for being a senior too and, of course, being different color. At school some children insult their classmates  for being different, then how we want our children aren’t racist when they are older?

In conclusion, If we teach them from childhood not to marginalize different people, maybe someday this discrimination won't exist despite our differences, as all people are humans and entitled to be respected. 


Nowadays, physical appearance is one of the most important things for people in general, and, as they want to be attractive, they go to gyms to get fit.

What people who attend gym gym classes want is to have a nice figure, at least the majority of them. Others want to lose weigh or go there to meet people and the rest go there to keep fit, so as to have good health. Gyms pretend to be worried about people’s health, but they are not indeed. What they want is to earn more money, and that means they’ll do what’s trendy, what television shows, so as to get more costumers and earn more money.

In my opinion, the most important thing is to be healthy and anybody can train without paying anything, everybody can go jogging, cycling, skating, etc. In my view, people ought to forget about gyms, what’s more, people should start thinking there are other ways of doing exercise and those are even better than the ones they’ll find in a gym.


Nowadays, the amount of technology we’ve got has permitted people to have more entertainment. Thirty or forty years ago, none of our parents or grandparents had thought that things would have changed as much as they have.

At home, any person who doesn’t live in a poor country has got loads of TV programs to watch, computer games to play with, and friends to chat with. As people work, go to school, and have got lots of activities to do during the day, they have to have fun with their gadgets at night time, consequently, they sleep less. The same happens with students at high school, due to the fact that they haven’t got enough time during the day, the majority of them usually study when it’s dark.

In my opinion, bad things of this century are not only sleeping less and drinking caffeine, but also things like cars’ carbon emissions and fertilizers, which damage our health as well. The good point of all this is that, luckily, technology has let us have medicines, but we haven’t found the way to save the world yet. 


Bullfighting is a traditional Spanish spectacle in which people enjoy seeing how the bullfighter kills  a bull. Bullfighting is legal in different countries, not only in Spain but also in Mexico, Peru, Colombia and in southern France.

Supporters of bullfighting think that it is an important tradition which has been part of the Spanish history and part of the art in general. But is it really important if we keep this tradition?

Nowadays we can not enjoy with this kind of games. We aren't at the time of the Romans, when the gladiators fought with lions or with other beasts.

If currently we protect animals that are in danger because of their hunt, I think that we must protect animals that die only to entertain us with their horrible death. In my opinion bullfighting is wrong, because it is a cruel and bloody tradition, so I think that it has to dissapear.

7 abr 2012


Nowadays, TV has a lot of influence on people that don’t have enough personality or that is very influenciable. Music or fashion programmes, TV shows, quizes, advertisements, the news, and other type of programmes are being very important in viewers' lifes/lives, maybe too much. In our days/at present/ nowadays , we are depending/depend in excess about/on what TV show to us.
On the one hand, I think that some programmes are good and could be necessary to entertain, have fun or learn about some topics. We can watch any interesting thing we want to, having moderation about how much importance we have to give to that information and know why we are watching that programme. Sometimes the information is useful but sometimes it doesn't/isn't.
On the other hand, some programmes have a very powerful influence on people, and it could be a problem. For exa mple, the advertisements about/of products to make people younger or how to be thin is/are getting too much importance, and make people waste so much money on it or get attention children/ call the children's attention that shouldn’t care about these things.
All in all, we should have to /should watch TV with some moderation, not giving so much importance at /to some programmes that aren’t important, because we could have problems if TV influences excessfully in our lifes/ influenced us excessively/ overinfluenced us. It’s more important to be how you really are and not trying/try to be like people you see on TV.

6 abr 2012


Bullfighting is an old Spanish tradition in which the bullfighter and the bull create a great spectacle in the bullring, but the end of this show is based on the bull’s death. From this “definition” can we say that this “sport” is legitimate?
Firstly, we must mention the controversy that this tradition has created in “Cataluña”, their citizens think that this kind of sport goes against animals’ life, because bullfighters and bullfighting fans believe that this sport is art but we must be aware that this art consists on a bloody sport, in which we can see the suffering of bulls and horses.

For all of these things, I don’t agree with this practice in spite of its cultural value because we haven’t got the right to take animals’ life, just to put in a show.


Nowadays, discrimination, which is treating some people differently from others, is too common in our society. Depending on our status, the opportunities that we’ve got, aren’t equal for all of use. There are some factors which are used to choose employers like gender, statues.
First of all, all of us should know that many people are submitted in the workplace due to lack of money for example, and these people can’t vindicate or contradict anything for fear of losing their work place.  Moreover, there are people who are discriminated because of their gender, status, sexual orientation, race, religion or nationality and this isn’t fair, because in the workplace all of us must be equal, because of our right to get a fair work.

In my opinion, we’ve got the right to make a living with dignity and we must be considered by  what we do , not be judged by what we have. Lastly, from my point of view, the states must create laws to protect employers from job discrimination.

5 abr 2012

Do you think bullfighting is right or wrong? What are your thoughts on bullfighting? Explain.

Bullfighting is a big tradition in Spain, especially in Catalonia, but is it a good tradition? Is it  ethical? Those are questions people  ask themselves nowadays. In my opinion, bullfighting is wrong although it is traditional.

First of all, some people defend bullfighting saying that it is their tradition, but this argument is not enough. I don’t like this show because some animals are hurt  furthermore, in my opinion it is not ethical that people enjoy watching the bulls suffer in this show, even though it is the tradition.  What’s more, in that spectacle not only the animal suffers, the bullfighter can get hurt as well.  In other words, I can’t understand how people enjoy themselves watching another being suffer.

In conclusion, I think this tradition has to be banned or at least  we have to introduce some new laws which protect bulls from any kind of injures. If people want to continue with this tradition they have to promise not to injure the bulls.


At present, people usually sleep less than before, in general, young people. And it is caused by the advantages oftechnology and the direction of the new society.

Firstly, the majority of  people now sleep less than before because they have more things to do like take care of their children, do some work or just be on the computer without doing anything  . This type of things are a result of modern life, because with all these new changes like the TV and all the films and programs they put on it or just all the games and social webs on the computer, are causing that. Another thing is that some people don’t do their tasks in their free time and then when the night comes, they have to do them. 

Finally, I don’t think that modern life is bad for us, but in my opinion people need to sleep  at least seven or eight hours, and the majority of most people don’t sleep it, which affect to their efficiency. In my opinion, people can use the advantages  of modern life but with some measure.

4 abr 2012


Bullfighting is the sport of baiting and killing a bull as a public spectacle and also the typical tradition of Spain. But, nowadays, in some places in Spain, bullfighting has been much criticized, because some people think that bullfighting tortures bulls and kills them without consideration. Do you think bullfighting is right or wrong?

In my opinion, bullfighting is totally wrong, because some bullfighters are recognized as artists and I think that  a  person who kills harmless animals can’t be called an artist . Furthermore, bullfighters say that bullfighting doesn’t abuse bulls, and it’s wrong because they stab bulls with a sword and they bleed so they are abused. In addition, bullfighters say that bullfighting is a tradition, but I think that a tradition which kills animals shouldn't be allowed.

In conclusion, bullfighting is a bad tradition  that should be  banned because they are killing bulls the animal dies in terrible conditions.


Why do you think people in general sleep less now than before? Do you think the pace of modern life may be bad for us? Explain.

Nowadays, we have a lifstyle (SP)  very different than (PREP) years before. We have a work (WW) that it (G) spends(WW) us so much hours (G) and now we have more things to do than before.

Lot of young people spend their time playing sport, making (WW) their homework, studing (SP) , waching TV or in front of the computer. Moreover, years ago the parents told their children to go to the bed early in order to be in conditions to have a good day, to be concentrated in (PREP) school and relaxed. Nowadays, the parents allow to their children to watch TV a lot time until 11 or 12 and this is a problem. 
Furthermore, older people because of their job (WO) arrives (G)  at their home very late and after dinner they don't go to the bed to sleep.

These actions could be dangerous for their like (WW) and their health because if you don't sleep the necessary hours the day before,  you probably be (WO/T) tired and you will acotumated (T) to a bad lifestyle.