26 mar 2012

Did you wear a school uniform? Did you like it? Did you think it was a good idea? The uniform isn’t usual in Spain.

On the one hand, the uniform is an idea in order that everybody has equal clothes and there isn’t discrimination. What’s more, when you get up in the morning you don’t have to think about the problem to decide the clothes for that day. Moreover, a uniform isn’t expensive. If you wear __ uniform you don’t have to spend a lot of money in clothes as well he problem with clothes makes would disappear. In addition, in a school where students wear a uniform it ‘s easier to control all ___ students.

On the other hand, it’s boring to wear the same clothes every day. Although, all ___ students ____wear a uniform, normally the girls wear miniskirts and in winter It’s very cols. The uniforms are not good for the fashion because it would change the way of dressing.(?)

All in all, I think that if we had to wear a uniform we would quickly because accustomed to it _____  it’s benefits.

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