27 mar 2012


Nowadays, mobile phones and social networks are taking the place of face-to-face interaction. Teenagers are getting used to having online friends and they are looking at the computer's screen all day. I think they should go out to the street and have a real social life.

As I see it, people who are always sitting in front of a computer do not have a real social life. They talk with many people via internet, chats or whatever, but do they have real friends? I don't think so. You have to have personal relationships to actually know the person. What if someone lies to you and tells you he is a teenager and he's a rappist, for example? I prefer to see a person face to face rather than see a photo. Moreover, I think it's funnier to meet a person, talk about your things, see the reaction they have when you tell them something interesting, etc. , than talk to a machine.

To sum up, not only teenagers but everybody is losing social abilities, but it would be better to switch off the computer and go out to interact with other people.

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