5 mar 2012

The mobile phone at highschools

Nowadays, the majority of the students in highschools have a mobile phone, and normally they take their mobile phone to school. Depending on the things they do during all the lessons, there are people for and against it.

On the one hand, there are some arguments for the issue. Firstly there are students, who take their mobile phone to school, and they only use it in case of emergency, like have some temperature or forget an important work at home, and they use it to call their parents. Another argument is that some students don’t use the mobile phone in class, only at breakfast, or during the period between lessons, and they don’t disturb any teachers, they make a good use of their mobile phone. And if the teachers usually take their mobile phones to school, why can’t students do it.

On the other hand there are some arguments against too. For example, in all schools there is a telephone which the students can use to call home in they have an emergency so they don’t need their mobile phones. Then other people say that nowadays the students normally use it during classes, because they are bored, or somebody has send an sms, which can make the teacher became angry. And the last argument they say is that some students use their mobile phone to copy during their exams, and it shouldn’t happen at highschools.

In my opinion, the students can bring their mobile phones at school, but they should make a good use of it. And they should be penalized if they use it in class, or use it for copying in an exam. But sometimes if you want to call your home, or your parents you can’t use the school telephone, because they only let you telephone someone if you are ill.

5 comentarios:

  1. Iria, I'm completely agree with your opinion, but, Furthermore I think parents should teach their children about how to use their mobile phones. You have structured the text very well. I give you an 8.

  2. I agree with you, I think we should be allowed to bring our mobile phones so far we don't use them in class as they distract us and we don't pay enough attention to the teachers.

  3. Iria I agree with you too, I also think we should be allowed to bring our mobile phones to school as long as we don't use them in class.

  4. I agree with you, the teenagers spend more time talking with their mobile than listening in class and studying. Marc, you are right too.

  5. I agree with you. I think mobiles can create a certain dependence on the people and many students are pending if they've got messages and they not pay attention in class.
