29 mar 2012

Nowadays, the most important thing for a lot of jobs is the appearance. It's more probably get a job if you are pretty or if you have a good figure.

 There are lots of people how think that is more important be slim than be healthy. Perhaps, the think this because every day in the TV or in some magazine the watch women wiht a perfect body and the don't know that te pictures are only pictures and always it has been used with some computer programme to have the perfect body.

I think that the most important thing is to be healthy and happy. However, the appearance isn't the most important thing because one person can be dress with good clothes but that person can be a bad person or that person can be horrible. For this reason, I think that every body should be right with people and don't see only in the appearance and we shouldn't be obssesiouly wiht our physical appearance and e worried with the important things, like our healthy our happiness and our family and friends.

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