15 mar 2012


Yesterday I had an argument with my mother. I told her that I wanted to go out with my friends because there was a party. Then, she wanted to know if I had my maths exam the following day. I decided to lie to her, and I said I didn't have any exams. I promised that I would get back home by twelve o'clock if she let me go, but she still refused because she said that I had to go to school the next day at eight. Then I begged her to let me go, because all of my friends would be there. Then she decided to call my best friend's mother so as to make sure of that, and she discovered that I was lying. She got very angry because my friend's mother told her that I actually had an exam. She started shouting at me and she ordered me to go to my bedroom and study. I denied having an exam, but she didn't believe me. She threatened me with not letting me use my mobile phone. Then I started crying and I admitted that I was not telling her the truth. I apologised for lying, but she was still angry. Finally, I didn't go to the party and I failed my maths exam.

Amanda, Ana Carretero and Cristina Picón.

1 comentario:

  1. Thank you for posting it. I've corrected a few spelling mistakes and the use of "amenzar con prohibirme..."
    You say:
    Threaten to do something
    Threaten somebody with doing something
