22 mar 2012

Gay adoption

Nowadays, Spain allows homosexual couples to adopt children, like heterosexual ones. This “young” law is becoming an important discussion. Moreover, discrimination is having an important role in this debate.

On the one hand, gay couples have to be respected because they are normal people; they love each other as well as heterosexual couples. Their problem is that they can’t have children because they have the same reproduction organs, but they can solve this problem like heterosexual people, through adoption.
On the other hand, actually, homosexual people don’t have a normal behavior, because of their different sexual orientation. Naturally, children need a mother and a father, however, if there are two of one of them, the child can’t grow like a normal person. Furthermore, the child probably will be influenced by homosexual tendencies and he will have a different life, due to his discrimination.

In conclusion, I think that it’s fair to be able to adopt children if you are a member of a couple and the child is going to grow normally. Therefore, we have to respect homosexual couples, because they are people as well as us, but with a different sexual orientation

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