5 mar 2012

Teenager Abortion

Teenager abortion is when somebody who is less than 18-year-old stops her own pregnancy. It is, nowadays, a topic which causes lot of polemics on society.

People who are for teenager abortion defend it saying, for example, that nowadays young people haven't got enough sexual education. Another argument for is that legal custody of teenagers is for their parents too. Moreover, many people think that an abortion is not a murder depending on when it is done.

However, people who are against this topic say that despite being young, they can decide what to do with their boyfriend or girlfriend and they should be responsible for their acts. Furthermore another argument against it could be that if we allow teenagers to have an abortion, they won't take care of pregnancy prevention during their adult sexual lives. A lot of people who are against this topic are against abortion in general too because they think that abortion, being a murder, is an attempt to Human Rights and it's contrary to catholicism too.

To sum up, perhaps nowadays the arguments against it are more convincing because of the majority of laws and ideologies around the world.

In my opinion, teenager abortion should be allowed if parents of both teenagers (the boy and the girl) allow it, but not in all situations, depending on the age, healthy risk...
Finally I think that everybody is free to do whatever they want with his or her body, as Human Rights dictaminate. Furthermore Human Rights defend everybody's life and the beginning of "life" is considered by science to start at the 12nd - 14th weeks since pregnancy begun.

5 comentarios:

  1. I agree with your opinion, in some situations teenagers aren't old enough to decide this kind of important decisions. I think you shouldn't repeat so many times some words as teenager adoption, for, or against. However, it's very clear and well structured!

  2. You've used very well the connectors, but you should try, as Simon said, to repeat as little as possible some words. I think it's interesting the cientific information you've given about when the life starts. Well done. About your opinion, I'm agree, parents should take an important role in the decision.

  3. That's a good essay. You've wrote it correctly by making it more entertaing. By the way I agree with your opinion as well.

  4. I agree with you Simon and Loren, perhaps I have repeated some words as you say...
    Loren, I always try to give some scientific information because I think it's a solid base in which I can consolidate my arguments.
    I'm satisfied to see that you, Gabi, Loren and Simon, agree with my personal opinion. It's what I really think.

  5. I have corrected some mistakes again. Thanks for your sincere opinions :)
