27 mar 2012

Face-to-face now

Nowadays, the internet and social networks help us to keep contact with friends all around the world. This is quite useful and easy, but is it decreasing our face-to-face social abilities? Are young people having social lives only trough a screen?

In my opinion, face-to-face social life has not disappeared yet, we still meet our friends to chat for a while and have fun. Despite this, I’ve noticed that this way of socializing is becoming endangered. Facebook is now our system to determine our meeting place, then, once back home, we chat again through Facebook, and some of us keep tuned to social networks through our smartphones during our meetings. We’re online most of the times.

Relationships are also changing, we flirt through social networks, where things we post are public, which’s quite worrying. It’s not only a way to begin a relationship, but also to finish it, now we just send a message to split up. I think it’s a shame.

Another worrying topic is that we’re more open through a screen, we say things that perhaps face-to-face we wouldn’t say. Perhaps we’re not conscious enough of what we’re saying or the consequences of what we say.

To sum up, face-to-face contact has not disappeared yet but it’s quite endangered. The internet and social networks are changing our lives drastically.  We should think a little more about what we say through the internet.  To conclude, in my opinion, the internet and social networks are useful and may lead us to a positive change, but we should try to keep face-to-face contact, because we cannot compare having a good time with your friends and spending your time in front of a computer.

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