27 mar 2012

Face-to-face interaction

Nowadays, teenagers are believed to be losing social interaction with other people, and this is usually caused by the effect of new technologies in their lives.

In my opinion, teenagers are addicted to social networks. With them, they don’t need to go out to talk with people and they usually stay home all day with their computer. It’s evident that this is causing a loss of face-to-face interaction. When they go out, they take their mobile phones with them and use it to talk with other people. This way, they don’t keep real social relationships, they only have virtual conversations. Consequently, teenagers lose social abilities and this, eventually, will create a new society without human contact. Human being’s nature is to be social, and if the face-to-face interaction decreases, we will be less human, and consequently, less happy. To avoid this, we should use social networks with moderation and we have to continue keeping real conversations with other people. It’s the only way to be happy, keeping close relationships with other humans. Today it only affects teenagers, but when these teenagers grow up, they will miss this loss of social abilities.

To sum up, we have to keep social interaction in order to create a happy society, so we should try to increase teenager’s face-to-face conversations and relationships.

1 comentario:

  1. Well done, but be careful with the genitive. If you are talking about human beings (plural) the apostrophe should be after the "S"
