8 mar 2012

Gay adoption

There’s  a controversy about whether gay couples should or shouldn’t be able to adopt. This controversy is caused because some people see homosexual couples as something strange.

Those who are for gay adoption say, firstly, that adoption is necessary around the world and even more in gay couples, because they aren’t able to procreate. Even though they can’t have children, they are able to form a normal family like heterosexual couples. What’s more, children that grow with homosexual families are usually more concerned with human rights and social problems, and they become better people. This is caused by the special position of their parents in society. And last but not least, there are a lot of children growing without a mother, and they don’t have relevant problems.

People who are against gay adoption claim that gays haven’t got enough sense of responsibility to create a family, because a family is formed by a father and a mother. Besides, they say that a child needs the attention of a mother to grow up without problems, because in nature all the animals have a father and a mother. Searching other arguments, people say that homosexual families don’t have the same structure as heterosexual couples, and this may cause a perturbation in the child, that could be socially rejected at school, for instance.

To sum up, even though gay couples are still seen like something unusual, they are able to form a family like other couples. Consequently, they have the right to adopt children. Moreover, children can develop more human qualities like being sensitive.

2 comentarios:

  1. I agree with you, the arguments against gay adoption are always based on the same, that children should have a mother and a father. Your vocabulary is very good and your grammar too, well done!

  2. Great essay Loren, you've used plenty of connectors making the text easier to read. I agree with you and Simon, some people have grown up without a mother or a father and that doesn't make them inferior or weirder than the rest.
