5 mar 2012

Teenager Abortion

There's a great discussion about an important topic, nowadays. We're talking about teenager abortion. Governments also have discussions about whether it should be legal or not. Here we're going to take an ethical or moral point of view. Like many other problems, there are people for and against.

On the one hand, people supporting teenager abortion claim that most teenagers aren't mature enough to take care of a baby, in fact they're still children. Furthermore, the baby would radically change their lives, nothing's the same with a baby, for example if you're in high school or something similar and your family doesn't have resources or time to help you, you'll probably have to leave your studies. Some experts also say that teenagers' bodies aren't prepared for giving birth, whether physically or psychologically.

On the other hand, people against teenager abortion sustain that if somebody is old enough to be pregnant, then is old (and mature) enough to have the baby. We should be responsible of what we've done. Then they also mention that teenager abortion, like every kind of abortion, is only another way to kill a human being, it's a murder. Finally, they try to give alternatives to abortion: such as adoption, precautions systems (in order not to be pregnant) or some kind of help to the ones who decide to have the baby. Abortion is not the only solution.

To sum up, it's a very difficult topic which will give us a lot of discussions and cause lots of polemics. I don't have a definite opinion, I wouldn't know what to do in a situation like that, it would give me a lot of headaches to decide what to do.

13 comentarios:

  1. Y, I think that you made a great text, your arguments are good and you explain both points of view very well. You should have given your own opinion, but if you don't have none it doesn't matter. I liked your essay a lot, I give you a 9,5. :D

    1. A, I have an opinion: it's not exactly for but it's neither against. Any situation should be examined properly to decide what to do.

  2. Great job Yannik, you are right it must be very difficult to decide in a situation like that, but you are lucky, you are a man and you will never have to decide!!

    1. Well, I think the decision should be took by both the father and the mother, even though, of course, is the woman who's pregnant. It's not an easy choice, so in my opinion your partner's support should be helpful. I may have to decide, but I hope not!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I agree with you Yannick, this decision is decision is very important and difficult to decide. But, as Lotti said it, you are lucky to be a man. Therefore, a concern less.

    1. Why can't be men concerned about abortion? Can't we concern about our sons and daughters? I don't understand why you say I'm lucky!

    2. Well, you're right that a man must also have this concern for their children, but a man will never suffer what a woman. And I said that you're lucky because you don't have to abort and you also don't have a period.

  5. I think you've done a great job. You've linked your arguments with connectors, giving more cohesion and unity to the text. Moreover, in the third paragraph you have used counter arguments instead of arguments that have nothing to do with the ones in the second paragraph. I miss your opinion.

    1. I mean that the opinion you've given to amanda is too neutral.

    2. Thanks, but my opinion can't be only yes or no, it's not so simple. We could spend hours talking about whether it's right or not without arriving to an agreement. One thing which's certain is that we should avoid as possible this problem: with precautions, like contraceptives, we won't have to worry about this dilemma.

    3. We're talking about opinions, not agreements, do not change the topic. Anyhow, we could let it here.

    4. We're starting to talk like politicians xD This is a bit weird xD
