29 mar 2012


Nowadays, everything we see or watch on TV, social networks, on the internet and even in the streets, gives us the feeling that everything that matters is your physical appearance. More than 50% of the ads we see, try to sell you something in order to improve your image. But, is that ok? Is ( the) physical appearance really so important?

First of all, we should ask ourselves if we really want children to think that way. If they get the idea of personal image being the most important thing, we’ll eventually live in a world filled up with people made of plastic, empty on the inside. On the other hand, we shouldn’t be so hypocrite and accept that we all have prejudices. Even if we really don’t want to or we deny it later, we’re used to judging people by the way they look: sadly, that’s how world works.

To sum up, the image you give is important because people give a meaning to it. Even if we don’t like it, we have to accept it. Nevertheless, we mustn’t give it too much importance either; if we do, the only thing we'll care about are our looks, and that’s definitely not a good thing , neither for yourself nor society.


Nowadays when we watch TV, we realise that many of the advertisments are about products that make you lose weight, make up, fashion and many other things like that. We can find publicity that shows us how to wear something and it shows you the perfect model. So many people change their opinion and they think they have to be as the models they see on TV.

Currently physical appearance has become very important in many people's lives and many of them change their body because they want the same body as many famouse/ famous people. For example many teenagers believe that their physical appearance is more important than studying and when it becomes an obsesion they've got a serious problem.

It's important because you have to look as a professional if you want have a job. But many people think they have to have the same lips as Angelina Jolie or the same body as Jennyfer Lopez and they become copies and many times there are people addicted to products that can change their appearance for example botox.


Nowadays technology is everywhere and mobile phones are very important for us. But a lot of people think that hands-free mobile phones should be banned while driving because they increase the risk of accidents.

On the one hand,  when you are talking on the hands-free mobile phone, you don't pay attention to the road. What's more, sometimes you forget that you are driving. Experts say that most of the accidents take place when people are talking on the phone even though they were using hands-free mobile phones. 

On the other hand, people say that if you have an emergency it is much better to use hands-free mobile phones in order to phone. Then, if you ban hands-free mobile phones, people will continue talking when they are driving and that is much  more dangerous. It is much safer to talk on hands-free mobile phone if you really need to talk to somebody.

In my opinion, hands-free mobile phones should be banned because it is a fact that they increase the number of accidents on the road and it is important to introduce all the necessary measures which can make the road safer.


Hands-free are objects that you can install  in the car and  telephone someone,____ drive at the same time. But there are a lot of arguments about if this machine is good or not.

One the one hand __you can speak with other people with the telephone in the car. Furthermore ___the police can't put a fine because you don't do nothing illegal. More reasons are that If there are and accident, you  can  call emergency but you don't interrupt the traffic.

One the other hand, telephone conversations can call your attention and you can have and accident. Moreover, the hands-free are expensive and at present there are crisis.

In conclusion, I think that the hands-free shoudn't be banned because it is practical. However__ I think If it is banned, the people speak with the mobile phone and this is more dangerous than If you use a hand-free.

Today's teenagers are losing face-to-face interaction and social abilities

Nowadays, listening to the radio, TV or whatever type of advertisements about this topic, is really common. Teenagers are losing face-to-face interaction as well as interacting with their surroundings consequently they’re losing their social abilities too.

Firstly, the effects of internet and technology are increasing in our society and we're aware of the consequences but we're only taking this way of life and that's it. We spend a lot of time in front of our computers, mobile phones, iPod...all of us use social networkingsites and we prefer to spend time on it, chatting with people that maybe we've never seen before and we're in these sites, spending our life time on the internet.

At the same time teenagers are losing their social abilities to interact with other people, to make friends or to be in contact with them but it should be face-to-face not trough social networking sites. we must be conscious of all that and take care of our "real" relationships and not spend out life with people that we've never seen.

In conclusion, we're the future and as teenagers and young people that we're, we should or maybe "must" change our behaviour, because we're exposed to losing our natural "habitat" and we aren't taking part in an improvement to change our world and make it different. We need another kind of relationships and interactions.


Nowadays, there are lots of new mental diseases such as bulimia, and they are caused by the importance some people give to their physical appearance and their weigh. The worst thing in relation with this is that a lot of people need long treatments to get well, otherwise they can die.
Television has got an important effect on people's thoughts and ideas because in every single advertisement you see, there are very good-looking people, slim and gorgeous. This kind of ads can make people think they are too fat or ugly. If people think they need to bee pretty and skinny to be successful in life, they (specially women) will buy all kind of make up and have operations so as to have a beautiful figure. Although using a bit of make up is not so bad, thinking that without it nobody would like them is very sad and wrong.
In my opinion, nobody needs to be beautiful to be loved or have a happy life. Moreover, from my point of view, the most important thing about a person is his or her personality, and that's what will enable anybody to have a good life.


Some people say that teenagers are losing social abilities. They think that they are less sociable than before because they're losing face-to-face contact. but, why do they say that?

First of all, everybody knows that nowadays we're living in a virtual world. Moreover, those who usually use Facebook, Twitter or WhatsApp call it "life 2.0" because they spend more time there than in real life or "life 1.0". Secondly, social networking sites are making it easier to communicate with other people via Internet than face-to-face. Lastly, teenagers say that it's faster and more comfortable to talk with a mobile phone or texting someone than doing it face-to-face. What's more, their social lives are based on that.

In conclusion, from my point of view that's true. I agree with that and I think we're becoming less sociable, but I think that it isn't that bad, maybe because I'm a teenager.

Physical appearance

Nowadays too much importance is given to physical appearance, lots of people think physical appearance is more important than any other thing.

In my opinion physical appearance isn't the most important thing when you are looking for a partner. First of all, I think everyone should find out what's that persons personality  like. Furthermore, another important thing is to discover if that person is nice or not to you, or if you both have the same interests. What's more, giving too much importance to physical appearance can be a serious problem, because you only  know how that person is physically; when you do get to know, it is too late.

In conclusion, don't give too much importance to the physical appearance of someone, know him o her first, and then, if you are sure that person is nice to you then go on.
Nowadays, the most important thing for a lot of jobs is the appearance. It's more probably get a job if you are pretty or if you have a good figure.

 There are lots of people how think that is more important be slim than be healthy. Perhaps, the think this because every day in the TV or in some magazine the watch women wiht a perfect body and the don't know that te pictures are only pictures and always it has been used with some computer programme to have the perfect body.

I think that the most important thing is to be healthy and happy. However, the appearance isn't the most important thing because one person can be dress with good clothes but that person can be a bad person or that person can be horrible. For this reason, I think that every body should be right with people and don't see only in the appearance and we shouldn't be obssesiouly wiht our physical appearance and e worried with the important things, like our healthy our happiness and our family and friends.

Physical appearance

Physical appearance is something that nowadays a lot of people look after because it's the clue to find a job or maybe people want to know you and make friends. But if you're a fad person can you have friends? or can you find a job if you're ugly?

In my view, physical appearance nowadays is very important but I think if you're a normal person you can go out, make friends as well as if you're ugly.
In my opinion when somebody watches television and sees an advertisment, he doesn't think that the product really works because he doesn't seem the model. But in the other hand if the company put somebody like us, we could imagine we are her or him and buy the product.

In conclusion when you know a good person although he or she is ugly, you can make friends and nowadays with crisis it's very difficult to find a job and only you can interest is somebody to work very hard without be pretty or ugly.

27 mar 2012

Today's teenagers are losing face-to-face interaction and social abilities- NOT CORRECTED

Nowadays teenagers don't live the same way our parentd did when they were our age, they spent their time playing outside with their friends, and we almost never do that, we spend our time chatting with our friends on facebook, talk with them with our mobile phones, we use skype, or with what ever type of social network.

On the one hand, I think it's a problem, because using a mobile phone, computer or an ipod is not good for our health, we should spend more time outside, that's better for our health, because it has been proved that too much technology is not good for our head.
I also think that knowing somebody face-to-face is better than getting to know him without seeing him or her, because with face-to-face interaction you can really see if a person is lying and with social networks it's more difficult.
And finally, if you are used to talking with somebody so much with your mobile phone, at the moment you see him face-to-face, there's a big possibility that you get shy, or don't know what to talk about because you may be used to think about it when you call or give him a message.
On the other hand, social network is a good opportunity for shy peopole to talk and meet people better, for those who don't dear in real life.  But that's not my case.  In conclusion, I think that if we don't really get addicted to mobile phones, it's not a big problem if we still hang out with or friends in real life.

Hands-free mobile phone- CORRECTED

Hands-free mobile phones are a new product to use in the car. At first hands-free phones are a solution to the problem of using the mobile phones in the car, but then this topic has more problems in society, because there are people who agree with this and people who disagree.

One the one hand, anything in the car is a distraction to the driver, including children, For this reason, the hands-free mobile phones are a distraction too and they increase the risk of accidents. Furthermore, when you answer the call you have to see who it is and presh the button to answer.  When you do that, you don't see the way and you can have an accident.

On the other hand, there are people that spend a lot of time in their car or in their lorry, these people need this instruement if they need something or they need to talk with somebody.  The hands-free mobile phones are useful to these people because their lives are in their cars.

In my opinion, hands-free mobile phones shouldn't be banned while driving, because if they ban them, they shouldn't drive with children or other distractions either, and this is impossible.  For this reason, hands-free shouldn't be banned, although I agree with taking a measure against using mobile phones while driving.

Face-to-face now

Nowadays, the internet and social networks help us to keep contact with friends all around the world. This is quite useful and easy, but is it decreasing our face-to-face social abilities? Are young people having social lives only trough a screen?

In my opinion, face-to-face social life has not disappeared yet, we still meet our friends to chat for a while and have fun. Despite this, I’ve noticed that this way of socializing is becoming endangered. Facebook is now our system to determine our meeting place, then, once back home, we chat again through Facebook, and some of us keep tuned to social networks through our smartphones during our meetings. We’re online most of the times.

Relationships are also changing, we flirt through social networks, where things we post are public, which’s quite worrying. It’s not only a way to begin a relationship, but also to finish it, now we just send a message to split up. I think it’s a shame.

Another worrying topic is that we’re more open through a screen, we say things that perhaps face-to-face we wouldn’t say. Perhaps we’re not conscious enough of what we’re saying or the consequences of what we say.

To sum up, face-to-face contact has not disappeared yet but it’s quite endangered. The internet and social networks are changing our lives drastically.  We should think a little more about what we say through the internet.  To conclude, in my opinion, the internet and social networks are useful and may lead us to a positive change, but we should try to keep face-to-face contact, because we cannot compare having a good time with your friends and spending your time in front of a computer.

Face-to-face interaction

Nowadays, teenagers are believed to be losing social interaction with other people, and this is usually caused by the effect of new technologies in their lives.

In my opinion, teenagers are addicted to social networks. With them, they don’t need to go out to talk with people and they usually stay home all day with their computer. It’s evident that this is causing a loss of face-to-face interaction. When they go out, they take their mobile phones with them and use it to talk with other people. This way, they don’t keep real social relationships, they only have virtual conversations. Consequently, teenagers lose social abilities and this, eventually, will create a new society without human contact. Human being’s nature is to be social, and if the face-to-face interaction decreases, we will be less human, and consequently, less happy. To avoid this, we should use social networks with moderation and we have to continue keeping real conversations with other people. It’s the only way to be happy, keeping close relationships with other humans. Today it only affects teenagers, but when these teenagers grow up, they will miss this loss of social abilities.

To sum up, we have to keep social interaction in order to create a happy society, so we should try to increase teenager’s face-to-face conversations and relationships.

Today's teenagers are losing face-to-face interaction and social abilities

Social networks are becoming very important among teenagers. Consequently, face-to-face interaction is being lost. Personally, I think that this situation can be succesful if we keep face-to-face relationships.

Firstly, social networks are becoming important in order to improve teenagers' social life. Nowadays you can talk, share photos or coment others' whenever you want (these improvements are amazing). Nevertheless, we shouldn't leave out direct relations, networks should complement them when we aren't face-to-face. We ought to continue meeting each other due to our human condition. If we only talk with our friends using new tecnologies, we will become machines. Moreover, going out with friends is healthy for our mind. Therefore, despite networks' facilities, we shouldn't be lazy and enjoy the direct contact with other people using social abilities.

To sum up, we are able to use Internet tecnologies in order to improve our relations. However, face-to-face meetings are our naturally social relations, so we shouldn't lose them.

Using hands-free mobile phones

Nowadays, all the newest cars include a hands-free mobile phone because a lot of people use the mobile phone while driving. On these issue there are some arguments for, and some against. 

On the one hand, if the drivers have a hands-free, they can speak with more safety than if tehy don't have it, because they can use all their concentration in order to drive and because of it is esasier to speak with someone if you don't have to take the mobile phone. And normally people who have it, are people who have to use the car for their work, or people who have to drive long distances, and if they receive an important call they can't stop and answer it. 

On the other hand, it's true that using the mobile phone in the car, always make some distraction and it can cause an accident.  It induces to bring the mobile phone on while the driver is driving. And it can cause some distraction to watch it.

In conclusion, I think that they shouldn't ban it, it is useful for the drivers.  But people who use the mobile phone at the car should whait to get out to the car to call someone.  Because it can evit some accidents.


Nowadays, mobile phones and social networks are taking the place of face-to-face interaction. Teenagers are getting used to having online friends and they are looking at the computer's screen all day. I think they should go out to the street and have a real social life.

As I see it, people who are always sitting in front of a computer do not have a real social life. They talk with many people via internet, chats or whatever, but do they have real friends? I don't think so. You have to have personal relationships to actually know the person. What if someone lies to you and tells you he is a teenager and he's a rappist, for example? I prefer to see a person face to face rather than see a photo. Moreover, I think it's funnier to meet a person, talk about your things, see the reaction they have when you tell them something interesting, etc. , than talk to a machine.

To sum up, not only teenagers but everybody is losing social abilities, but it would be better to switch off the computer and go out to interact with other people.

Hands-free mobile phones

A hands-free mobile phone is an instrument which allows you to talk on phone without having to keep the phone in your hands, because it's fixed on the car.

On the one hand, people who are for this instrument defend it saying that you can talk keeping your hands on driving /on  the wheel / you can talk while you are at the wheel. They think if you're talking on the phone, you only use your ears and your mouth and, because of that, you're not increasing the risk.

On the other hand, some people are against it because they think that your driving capacities are seriously affected when you talk with somebody because your mind is concentrated on talking. Because of that they believe that you can cause an accident.

In my opinion , the hands-free mobile phone increases a lot the risk of accidents and, because of that, they should be banned. As many people think, I think if you have to say something important to somebody, you can stop your car (or whatever you're driving) and call.

Today's teenagers social abilities

Nowadays teenagers tend to contact people by phone or by the computer but, is it good for them losing face-to-face interaction?

I think that even though it's useful to chat on the internet or speak on the phone, in a  long period of time it will damage their social abilities and it will be harder for them to interact with someone in real life. A lot of people use the internet to meet new people because it's easier and maybe because they're shy, but if they get used to this _ it will be harder for them to meet and keep a regular conversation with people in a face-to-face interaction that might damage their own social life and close into themselves which would make it harder for them to face situations that demand social abilities. This problem is also related to internet addiction, which makes teenagers' social competence problem higher.

To sum up, I think it's not bad to use technology to talk to other people as long as it doesn't have negative effects on teenagers' social lives.
Nowadays teenagers are losing face-to-face interaction and social abilities, because they are used to being all day long in front of their computers or playing videogames, instead of practising sports or being outside with friends.

I think that this situation must stop, because in the future they are not going to be capable of working with collegues, since they don't know how to comunicate with other people. Those teenagers don't feel comfortable being with other people or they don't know what to say or even how. This situation has increased since every teenager has his/her own computer, because they are playing, surfing... and chatting all day. The problem is that they feel more comfortable chatting than talking face-to-face. If this situation continues, in the future people won't comunicate, meet... face-to-face, they will chat or make videocalls.

In conclusion. if we permit this situation, in the future everybody will be in their rooms with a computer talking with a friend that maybe lives next door instead of going to his/her house to be with him/her and making Internet friends, because they only know how to make friends on the Internet and not face-to-face.

26 mar 2012

Did you wear a school uniform? Did you like it? Did you think it was a good idea? The uniform isn’t usual in Spain.

On the one hand, the uniform is an idea in order that everybody has equal clothes and there isn’t discrimination. What’s more, when you get up in the morning you don’t have to think about the problem to decide the clothes for that day. Moreover, a uniform isn’t expensive. If you wear __ uniform you don’t have to spend a lot of money in clothes as well he problem with clothes makes would disappear. In addition, in a school where students wear a uniform it ‘s easier to control all ___ students.

On the other hand, it’s boring to wear the same clothes every day. Although, all ___ students ____wear a uniform, normally the girls wear miniskirts and in winter It’s very cols. The uniforms are not good for the fashion because it would change the way of dressing.(?)

All in all, I think that if we had to wear a uniform we would quickly because accustomed to it _____  it’s benefits.


Have you ever heard about the Menorcan turtle? Have you ever seen one any time?
Well, the Menorcan turtles are species which is to become extinct. Nowadays, there are less turtles than years before.

To prevent this situation we shouldn’t catch the wild turtles in the country. We could create a natural space to put the turtles and protect them too.

The people could help telling other people about this problem and we could catch signatures to create the natural space for save de life of the turtles.


Nowadays, lot of people download music, films and software from the internet. They prefer piracy than buying disc or a film. I think that it’s from different reason.

It’s true that piracy is free and easy to get. However, when you download an article form the internet the quality of this article is worse than if you buy it. The sound and the image are different. In addition, when somebody makes a film o a song, he spends a lot of time and money. If you download this film or song you don’t pay for it and this person doesn’t earn money. Everybody wants to earn money for his job. If you don’t pay for somebody’s work, it’s not fair for the creator.

Moreover, if someone don’t have enough money to pay for the film or you buy the film there are a lot of means to hear the song or watch the film with measures. There is youtbue, cintube and more webs. With these webs you can hear and watch films and songs online.

In conclusion, I think that we can fins a lot of means to avoid piracy and act ethically. 


Gadafi was murdered by Libians. Gadafi had hidden because the people wanted to kill him and he was frightened.

Firstly, Gadafy had done many unfair things and people hated him for that. While he was governing he killed a lot of women and children and he used the petrol in order to get rich. He forgot the requirement of the people to eat and live. Consequently, the citizens revolted against the dictator.
In my opinion, Gadafi’s murder was a horrible action because nobody has the right to kill a person. Murder is against human rights. Moreover, all people have the right to have a trial. In spite of his actions, Gadafi had to be judged and the judge would have had to decide Gadafi’s punishment. He didn’t deserve to be killed in this form seeing that it was unfair for him because everybody has the right to life.

On the other hand, I disagree with the possibility of photographing Gadafi’s corpse. It’s true that a photo can give actual, present and important information but it’s not necessary that everybody can take a photo, it’s a sadistic and immoral action.

Finally, I understand the feelings of the people however I couldn’t kill anyone because no one has the power to decide who lives and who dies and why. 

23 mar 2012



Do you have a mobile phone? Do you use the mobile phone in class? Some people think that mobile phones should be forbbiden in highschool and if a teacher sees a student with her no his mobile phone he can take it and leave the mobile phone at the secretary.

It’s true that a lot of students use his/her mobile phone to copy in exams or take videos of other students and afterwords  uploaded them on internet or take a photo and uploaed it in facebook or tuenti too. Moreover, a lot of students spend the lesson playing or talking with other people using their mobile phone.

However, with the mobile phone you can call yout parents if you are ill, or if you have forgotten somethings important i your house. In addtion, if you don’t have a watch you can know the time with it. Futhermore, if you family has an accident or something very important happens the can call you and ask for your help.

I think that mobile phones shouldn’t be forbbiden in highschool but the mobile phone should be used for important things or for emmergencies. The mobile phone shouldn’t be used to spent the time or to copy un an exam. The mobile phone should be used resposobly. It’s good to have your mobile phone for some things but you don’t have to use your mobile phone for others things.

22 mar 2012

Gay adoption

Nowadays, Spain allows homosexual couples to adopt children, like heterosexual ones. This “young” law is becoming an important discussion. Moreover, discrimination is having an important role in this debate.

On the one hand, gay couples have to be respected because they are normal people; they love each other as well as heterosexual couples. Their problem is that they can’t have children because they have the same reproduction organs, but they can solve this problem like heterosexual people, through adoption.
On the other hand, actually, homosexual people don’t have a normal behavior, because of their different sexual orientation. Naturally, children need a mother and a father, however, if there are two of one of them, the child can’t grow like a normal person. Furthermore, the child probably will be influenced by homosexual tendencies and he will have a different life, due to his discrimination.

In conclusion, I think that it’s fair to be able to adopt children if you are a member of a couple and the child is going to grow normally. Therefore, we have to respect homosexual couples, because they are people as well as us, but with a different sexual orientation

15 mar 2012


Yesterday I had an argument with my mother. I told her that I wanted to go out with my friends because there was a party. Then, she wanted to know if I had my maths exam the following day. I decided to lie to her, and I said I didn't have any exams. I promised that I would get back home by twelve o'clock if she let me go, but she still refused because she said that I had to go to school the next day at eight. Then I begged her to let me go, because all of my friends would be there. Then she decided to call my best friend's mother so as to make sure of that, and she discovered that I was lying. She got very angry because my friend's mother told her that I actually had an exam. She started shouting at me and she ordered me to go to my bedroom and study. I denied having an exam, but she didn't believe me. She threatened me with not letting me use my mobile phone. Then I started crying and I admitted that I was not telling her the truth. I apologised for lying, but she was still angry. Finally, I didn't go to the party and I failed my maths exam.

Amanda, Ana Carretero and Cristina Picón.

12 mar 2012

Workers and social networks. Opinion essay

Do employers have the right to dismiss a worker depending on what they post on social networks?

Nowadays, almost everyone's got a profile in some kind of social network and there have been cases of workers being fired because of some information given or something they have posted there, but, is it fair to be fired due to that?

First of all, employers should do that if workers give a bad image to the corporation because the corporation might be giving a tolerant and a non-racist image but meanwhile an employer keeps insulting black people and homosexual people on twitter or facebook and the corporation's image would be damaged. Another reason to fire workers because of something they've written on social networks is because they might give some information about the CEOs or the corporation, for example, some programmer gives information about a new update on a website or program and the employer thinks it's inappropiate.

However, a profile ona  social network is personal and nobody should be fired because of what is written on there because workers are free to post whatever they want on a social network since it's their own profile and the employer shouldn't use it as a way to fire workers for the same reason employers don't fire workers because of what workers do at home. Another reason of because this is unfair is that worker's private life is alien to their workplace and it shouldn't influence their workplaces.

To sum up, there are some good reasons to fire a worker because of what they post on social networks like giving a bad image to the corporation or giving information about it that CEOs wouldn't like people to know. However, workers have their right to post whatever they want on social networks because it's their own personal profile and also private life and work should be kept away to avoid possible problems with employers.

11 mar 2012

Speaking a foreign language

What are the main benefits or advantages of speaking a foreign language? Explain.

To comment this issue, I could begin by saying that if you want to see the world through different eyes, to visit countries, as they really are, we can should learn other languages. In this text I want to expose the main advantages of speaking a second, a third or any other language.

Firstly we can say that there are many reasons to learn a foreign language, like to travel, to do business, or when we talk about the chances, to get an employment. If you want to travel because you’re interested in other cultures, you’ll travel more comfortably if you know the language. Or if you want to study a university degree, when you’re in the last years maybe you’ve the opportunity to travel and is an opportunity that we cannot miss. And finally, if you speak foreign languages and you’re waiting to get a job, you will put ahead of the rest who cannot speak another language.

We should be aware of the importance to know other languages to improve our personal culture and life.


Nowadays it is very common to see teenagers who are preagnant. Some of them are going to have the child and others are going to abort.

Teenagers should abort, because they are not ready to look after a child because, even though they think that looking after a child must be easy, it is not. Moreover, they are not responsible enough to manage that situation, because they are too young, they haven't had time to be prepared for it. Furthermore, the mother or sometimes the father are alone, since his/her partner has gone away, so they don't have any help. Despite the fact that some grandparents are the ones who take care of the child instead of the real parents, and that's not fair, because they have just finished taking care of their daughters or sons. Furthermore it is normal that some teenagers want to continue with their studies, but with a child it is almost impossible.

On the other hand, teenagers should not abort because they have to be responsible of their acts. And, what's more, when they abort what they are doing is killing a life. But what happens to teenagers is that sometimes when a young girl aborts, she may not be able to be preagnant again, because having an abortion, at an early age, can be more dangerous for a young girl than for an adult.

In my opinion, teenagers should abort because they are not able to give the baby a good life. It is true that they can take the baby to an orphanage, but when you have had the baby it is too difficult. But, what's more, "you will ruin your life", because you are not able to have a normal life and you can't continue with your studies and taking care of achild at the same time. So, the best solution to that problem is to use condoms so as not to get preagnant.


Nowadays many people can say that they live in a liberal and democratic country, where they've got a constitution and many human rights which have to be respected by all people who live in this country. But what happen with teenager abortion? Has the mother the right to choose if she wants to have their baby?

Many people think that abortion is a crime. They say that you are killing a person. Sometimes, many of these people are against abortion  for religion reasons, because they believe that it's punished by their religion.
And other people are against because they believe that abortion is used by teenagers as a method in order not to have babies when they have sex. Authorities of many countries have banned abortion not only for religious reasons but also to prevent diseases like AIDS and many other problems like that, because teenagers don't want to use protection when they have sex.

On the other hand, abortion is the only way that many teenagers know to stop their pregnancy because they have been raped.  Many times it's the best solution, because anybody want to be a son or a daughter from a rapist. Another case is when the doctor tell you that your child has got a desease as Down syndrome  or a malformation in his or her body.

In conclusion it's important to know that abortion  can be useful for special cases but can be dangerous as well. Currently many of the diseases which were incurable in the past, now with new technology it has been changing.

10 mar 2012


Nowadays, the problem with mobile phones at school has increased because all the students have got a mobile phone in their bags, moreover, some students are addicted to mobile phones or technology in general, since they spend a lot of time in front of their computers or with their mobile in their houses or anywhere.

On the one hand, the school is to study and not to talk with whats app or other things. Because, if you or your children go to school, they go to school to learn and study, but not to talk with their friends with whats app or facebook with their smart phones. In addition, if the mobile rings, the class has to stop. Therefore, this is bad for the teacher and the students, since then they don’t pay attention in class.

On the other hand, some students need the mobile because they are ill or something has happened in the school. In that case the mobile is useful as it helps people. If the children have got their mobile in their bags, the parents don’t worry, since they know that if something happens, their children rings them and they are in contact with their children.

In conclusion, I thing that the students can have their mobiles at school, but if the mobile phone rings or the teacher sees anyone talking with his mobile, the teacher can take his mobile as well. Moreover, this person will receive a punishment and the teacher won’t give him his mobile until his parents come to school and they talk with his teacher.

8 mar 2012

Gay adoption

There’s  a controversy about whether gay couples should or shouldn’t be able to adopt. This controversy is caused because some people see homosexual couples as something strange.

Those who are for gay adoption say, firstly, that adoption is necessary around the world and even more in gay couples, because they aren’t able to procreate. Even though they can’t have children, they are able to form a normal family like heterosexual couples. What’s more, children that grow with homosexual families are usually more concerned with human rights and social problems, and they become better people. This is caused by the special position of their parents in society. And last but not least, there are a lot of children growing without a mother, and they don’t have relevant problems.

People who are against gay adoption claim that gays haven’t got enough sense of responsibility to create a family, because a family is formed by a father and a mother. Besides, they say that a child needs the attention of a mother to grow up without problems, because in nature all the animals have a father and a mother. Searching other arguments, people say that homosexual families don’t have the same structure as heterosexual couples, and this may cause a perturbation in the child, that could be socially rejected at school, for instance.

To sum up, even though gay couples are still seen like something unusual, they are able to form a family like other couples. Consequently, they have the right to adopt children. Moreover, children can develop more human qualities like being sensitive.

7 mar 2012


Nowadays the number of gay couples is increasing. Furthermore, lots of them are interested in adopting a child. This topic is causing a great debate amongst many people. There are lots of arguments for and against.

On the one hand some people think that a gay couple can bring up, adopt and look after a child as successfully as an heterosexual couple, because adopting is a good thing lots of people do, as they give children a home or someone to love them. What's more, children with gay parents are just as happy as a child with a father and mother, because they have always lived with two fathers and they don't realize which the difference is. 

On the other hand, other people think that gay couples shouldn't be able to adopt a child because he or she could feel different to the rest. They also think gay upbringing is unnatural. Consequently that child could become gay when he grows up. Furthermore his classmates will probably laugh at him at school.

In conclusion, I think gay couples should be able to adopt a child. It might be difficult fort that child to accept it at the beginning but in time he or she will get used to it. I also think a father can play a role of a mother and make that child feel as happy as any other.

Teenagers' abortion

Teenager's abortion in Spain has been a highly discussed topic since last year. Because there are a lot of ideologies. Do you prefer killing a baby? or continuing with your teenagers's life?

Firstly, when you are pregnant you can't study and with abortion you can continue your career or ma be your school education; secondly, when you have a baby, you can't go out with your friends at night or get drunk for exemple but if you have an abortion you can go out and continue with your teenager life and thirdly, when you're a pregnant teenager people laught at you, criticis you and this makes you sad.

But the disavantatges of teenagers' abortion is that you kill a baby, a person and you're nobody to kill a person, and also if you abort many times, you won't be pregnant again. Furthemor, when you have a problem and it's caused by you, you're responsible and you must be consequent.

In my opinion when you have an abortion, you have to think about what you've done but in my point of view you have to be more responsible and suffer the consequences and you got a bit muddled up. Because there are more options instead of having an abortion.

Ana Carretero


Teenager abortion is an issue which is being discussed by people nowadays. People argue and give their opinion about abortion and give arguments to proof whether it's moral or not.

On the one hand, people who think it's good for teenagers who are pregnants to have an abortion, give their arguments. Abortion is a way to avoid having phsycological. Girls who look at themselves in the mirror and see they are pregnants and they don't look like the other girls usually go mad. Moreover, they think and they are right, that ther will never have a normal life again. They will have to stay home looking after their baby while their friends are having fun in a disco. They can wear neither the same tight clothes nor big high heels (because they get exhausted). Furthermore, if they have had problems with their parents or have split up with the child's father because of the pregnancy, they fell lonely as they are alone in the world with their child. Then, they need money yo feed the child when he's born and they have to work in order to do this, so they are bound to leave high school.

On the other hand, people who are against say that they can have a variety of phsycological problems. Although they will not have problems with seeing themselves fat and ugly, they might have conscience problems. They won't fell well about what they've done and they will regret having had an abortion. In addition, abortion is considered as a murder and, therefore, a crime against a human being. They might also have physical problems such as losing the possibility of having children any more. And, if they have an abortion they mightn't be accepted by society because they can be seen like a kind of murderers.

To sum up, having an abortion can result in phsycological or physical problems or regrets but it can also help the pregnant girl to go on having her life and decide when she's ready to have a baby. In my opinion, abortion should be legal but it would be better if people used other methods instead.

6 mar 2012


Nowadays, lots of gay couples want to have a child, they want to be parents and to have a family, just like heterosexual couples. Adoption is the only way to do it, but is it ethical? Do they have the right to adopt?

On the one hand, some people think that it’s unethical because it’s not natural. People who are against say that if they can’t have a son or a daughter on their own, on the normal way, they shouldn’t be able to adopt one. Moreover, they say that they can’t educate a child well, because kids need a mother and a father, not only two parents of the same sex.

On the other hand, others say that a kid can be educated well by two mothers or fathers and even better than by “normal parents” because they will love him or her even more. People who are for think that if the parents are in love and can bring up a child, they should be able to do it. What’s more, there are so many children that don’t have a home and aren’t loved by their parents, or don’t even have parents. So it’s better to live with a gay couple.

In my opinion, I think that gay couples should be able to adopt. As I see it, they have the same right to have children than other couples, and they can be very good parents.


Nowadays, at least in Spain, It’s very easy to have an abortion because there is a special law that allows any woman to do it, no matter how old she is and, in cases of pregnant teenagers, parents don’t need to agree with their daughter’s decisions.
On the one hand, some people agree with the law because they think that economic problems or the mother’s age is a good reason to abort. Moreover, if there’s a risk for the child or the mother, there should be the chance to abort. Another point of controversy is that people who agree think that a foetus is not a life.
On the other hand, some people think that a foetus is a life and that it will be a person in the near future. They also think that if woman, especially teenagers, have got the chance to have an abortion, they do it many times and it has got negative effects on the economy of the country and on the “mother’s” health. The last but not least argument they gives is that everybody has got the right to live.
In my opinion, there should be a law to let women abort if there’s a risk for the mother’s life or she had been raped, but I don’t agree with abortion. Babies ought to be loved and have a good life, if parents can’t afford to have the baby, the best thing to do is give him or her in adoption, so that couples who can’t have babies and really want to, have got the chance to take care and love a baby. 


Nowadays people have different ideas about this topic. Can teenagers decide about abortion? Can they have an abortion or not? Some people say that they can.

On the one hand teenagers are too young to know what they want to do with their lives, moreover, they can’t educate a child because their education hasn’t finished yet. What’s more, a baby changes your life and you have to stop doing some things that you like. Finally, some people think that when you have a baby you have to be responsible for him or her and a teenager doesn’t have the necessary independence.

On the other hand if a teenager opts to have an abortion they are destroying a life and they are going against the human rights, the rights of life. Then, teenagers have to think about their actions and be responsible for them. In other words, if you are old enough to have sexual relations you have to be old enough to be responsible for that.  Finally, catholic people think that abortion is a murder and God is the only one who can decide about who can live and who can’t.
In my opinion abortion has to be a decision of oneself. You have to think about the pros and cons and draw a conclusion. But the decision is only yours, people can’t decide  for you.


Nowadays many students use mobile phones in schools to film, to play or for other activities. Mobile phones are incredible machines but they can be bad, for this reason people think that they should be forbidden at schools.

On the one hand, when you have an emergency in the school or you forget something in your house, you can phone home. What's more, if you need to search information for some homework you can use your mobile pthone because nowadays they have internet.

On the other hand many students spend too much time with mobile phones. Although mobile phones are being used for many good things, some students can use mobile phones to copy in the exams, therefore, with mobile phones they can film each other or the teacher. Due to these actions mobile phones can be dangerous.

In conclusion, mobile phones are useful machines in many places but at school they can be a  distraction or even hazardous.

5 mar 2012

Teenager Abortion

There's a great discussion about an important topic, nowadays. We're talking about teenager abortion. Governments also have discussions about whether it should be legal or not. Here we're going to take an ethical or moral point of view. Like many other problems, there are people for and against.

On the one hand, people supporting teenager abortion claim that most teenagers aren't mature enough to take care of a baby, in fact they're still children. Furthermore, the baby would radically change their lives, nothing's the same with a baby, for example if you're in high school or something similar and your family doesn't have resources or time to help you, you'll probably have to leave your studies. Some experts also say that teenagers' bodies aren't prepared for giving birth, whether physically or psychologically.

On the other hand, people against teenager abortion sustain that if somebody is old enough to be pregnant, then is old (and mature) enough to have the baby. We should be responsible of what we've done. Then they also mention that teenager abortion, like every kind of abortion, is only another way to kill a human being, it's a murder. Finally, they try to give alternatives to abortion: such as adoption, precautions systems (in order not to be pregnant) or some kind of help to the ones who decide to have the baby. Abortion is not the only solution.

To sum up, it's a very difficult topic which will give us a lot of discussions and cause lots of polemics. I don't have a definite opinion, I wouldn't know what to do in a situation like that, it would give me a lot of headaches to decide what to do.

The mobile phone at highschools

Nowadays, the majority of the students in highschools have a mobile phone, and normally they take their mobile phone to school. Depending on the things they do during all the lessons, there are people for and against it.

On the one hand, there are some arguments for the issue. Firstly there are students, who take their mobile phone to school, and they only use it in case of emergency, like have some temperature or forget an important work at home, and they use it to call their parents. Another argument is that some students don’t use the mobile phone in class, only at breakfast, or during the period between lessons, and they don’t disturb any teachers, they make a good use of their mobile phone. And if the teachers usually take their mobile phones to school, why can’t students do it.

On the other hand there are some arguments against too. For example, in all schools there is a telephone which the students can use to call home in they have an emergency so they don’t need their mobile phones. Then other people say that nowadays the students normally use it during classes, because they are bored, or somebody has send an sms, which can make the teacher became angry. And the last argument they say is that some students use their mobile phone to copy during their exams, and it shouldn’t happen at highschools.

In my opinion, the students can bring their mobile phones at school, but they should make a good use of it. And they should be penalized if they use it in class, or use it for copying in an exam. But sometimes if you want to call your home, or your parents you can’t use the school telephone, because they only let you telephone someone if you are ill.

Teenager Abortion

Teenager abortion is when somebody who is less than 18-year-old stops her own pregnancy. It is, nowadays, a topic which causes lot of polemics on society.

People who are for teenager abortion defend it saying, for example, that nowadays young people haven't got enough sexual education. Another argument for is that legal custody of teenagers is for their parents too. Moreover, many people think that an abortion is not a murder depending on when it is done.

However, people who are against this topic say that despite being young, they can decide what to do with their boyfriend or girlfriend and they should be responsible for their acts. Furthermore another argument against it could be that if we allow teenagers to have an abortion, they won't take care of pregnancy prevention during their adult sexual lives. A lot of people who are against this topic are against abortion in general too because they think that abortion, being a murder, is an attempt to Human Rights and it's contrary to catholicism too.

To sum up, perhaps nowadays the arguments against it are more convincing because of the majority of laws and ideologies around the world.

In my opinion, teenager abortion should be allowed if parents of both teenagers (the boy and the girl) allow it, but not in all situations, depending on the age, healthy risk...
Finally I think that everybody is free to do whatever they want with his or her body, as Human Rights dictaminate. Furthermore Human Rights defend everybody's life and the beginning of "life" is considered by science to start at the 12nd - 14th weeks since pregnancy begun.

4 mar 2012


1. Choosing a Good Restaurant
2. Making a Reservation
3. Being Seated at the Restaurant
4. Ordering Foods and Drinks
5. Ordering Appetizers

6. Ordering Main Entree

7. Ordering Drinks

8. Ordering Dessert

9. A Mistake by the Waitress

10. Making Positive Comments on Food

11. Making Negative Comments on Food

12. Good Tips for Good Service
13. Little Tips for Bad Service

14. Talking Positvely About the Restaurant

15. Talking Negatively About the Restaurant

16. Ordering Fast Food




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Room service 2. I'd like some breakfast
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