24 feb 2013

And what about death penalty? (Final version)

     Death penalty, also called capital punishment, is a legal process in which a person is executed by a sentence applied by the law as a punishment for a crime. This fact has brought a lot of controversy all over the world. There are two possible postures in front of this situation: to be against or to be in favor.

   On the one hand, many worldwide organizations have the main purpose to abolish death penalty. It’s said that killing someone, no matter which crime has he or she committed, is a violation of the most important human right: “The right to live”. People who are in this position think that it’s just a way of revenge and that can’t be condoned.  What’s more is  there has been many wrongful executions in which sentenced people end up being innocent, but it was already too late. So shall we abolish death penalty?

     On the other hand, death penalty is a good tool for police officers to maintain order in society. This posture is normally accepted for major crimes, such as serial killers, torture murderers, terrorism, mass killing, etc. This could be a way of ensuring that those extreme criminals will never offend again. Moreover, many even believe that the punishment must be painful according to the crime. Or shall we keep on killing the bad guys?

         Depending on the posture you take based on the several reasons there are, and the personal experience you may have had, you can be in favor or not of this situation.   In my opinion, we have not enough power to judge whether or not to take a person’s life because he or she committed a crime. I think this person should be treated professionally to try to rehabilitate and reinsert him or her in society. There should also be done huge efforts by the governments to strengthen the bases of the society, like improving education, dealing with drugs and increasing security. As a result, we could construct a better organized civilization in order to prevent the appearance of such crimes that lead us to apply these kinds of penalties. 

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