25 feb 2013

Death penalty FINAL VERSION

Death penalty is actually a topic that nowadays generates a lot of controversy in our society, most of the people around the world have a formal opinion for or against the legalization of the death penalty and  morality. Now I will give some arguments for and against this popular topic.

In some countries it is legal to kill someone if they have commited a terrible crime and it is legal because if someone murders someone else he has given up human rights, including the right to stay alive themselves, also they think that if someone murders someone he deserves to die too, futhermore with killing the worst criminals the society is more safe because they know this person won't do it again, a lot of people are in favour  of this because they think a criminal doesn't deserve the right to life.

On the other hand, the basic argument for people who are not in favour of death penalty is that this penalty goes against the most basic human right, the right to life, also sometimes the death penalty is good for the criminals because they don't suffer dying by a letal injection for example and they don't pay their crime, they just die. Finally another basic argument to be against this penalty is that the law sometimes is wrong and the question is: what if someone  who is actually innocent is killed?

In conclusion, the death penalty generate a lot of opinions in our society and they are all so convicing but, in my opinion, death penalty shouldn't be legal in any country because I believe that criminals must pay for the crimes on/ in prison with penal servitude for life not with the death penalty because the right to life is not vulnerable in any situation.

Iván Bermúez 2n batx C

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