25 feb 2013

EBOOKS (final version)

EBooks are a new technology,with which we can read books and documents if we download them on the tablet. Nowadays eBooks are used more often  but they have both advantages and disadvantages.

EBooks allow you to store a wide range of books in one place, also computer documents. In addition, it makes it easier to take loads of books at once, because it is very light. Another advantatge would be that it's more eco-friendly because as we cut down less trees we save paper.

On the other hand, eBooks have made book shops go out of business. Also it doesn't feel the same reading from an eBook than reading a normal book, although eBooks have a special light to read,  I think that it's better to read an ordinary book.

In conclusion, eBooks are the future books, and I believe that  books will disappear.

Paula Cardona 2A

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