24 feb 2013


In the last five years the sales of digital books have tripled. Ebooks are becoming very popular among the population that likes to read. There are more and more buyers, but like any gadget, there are for and against reasons for buying one. 

One the one hand, ebooks are easy to manage, you are able to highlight and add notes to certain sections in the book. One of the arguments for is the price, because even if when you buy it it looks expensive,  over time_ is profitable because it contains several books that can be expensive each one of them. They're easily portable. You can carry lots books on one device. Easy to get content, when you finish a book you feel an urge to know more about this book almost instantly, and have another book in your possession.

The arguments against buying ebooks are that ebooks are not more eco-friendly than paper books, they're easily obtainable in bookstores or anywhere,  they're easily portable, they don't normally cause significant eye-strain and they don't need batteries.

In conclusion,  having an ebook is cheaper than having lots of books and also easier to manage, but I can understand people who want to have their own books in their library to make their home a better place.
                                                                                                                    Ophelie Petel 2B

1 comentario:

  1. You've just copied a list of arguments from the internet. You should have tried to explain the arguments using your own words. Besides, there are no connectors to link the different ideas.
