On the one hand, adoption is difficult for any couple, and even more if you are gay. Gay couples can give children the same love, security, education and stability as a couple with a father and a mother. It's better than a one parent family. There are many many children who need to be adopted, does it matter what their ideologies are?
On the other hand, having one sex parents could give the child a wrong impression of what a mum and dad family is. In many countries in the world, as in Spain, adoption for gay couples is banned for religious reasons. The possibility that children with gay parents suffer bullying at school is very high because society in general doesn't accept this kind of couples.
To sum up, there are many things in favor and many against gay adoption. I think that gay couples should be able to adopt, because they have the same right and they will give them the same love and stability as a straight couple.
Carolina Melia Camps 2n C
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