22 feb 2013

What about euthanasia? (Final version)

Nowadays, euthanasia is one of the most polemical topics in our society. Despite the gigantic development of medicine and new technologies, it seems like we will never be able to get the cure for every single disease in the world. Should these people who are living in pain due to an incurable illness have the right to decide if they want to live or not? Let's see what people think...

On the one hand we have all these people who agree with the practice of euthanasia. They think that their own opinion is the most important one when you have to decide whether you want to live or not. The main argument they give is that a whole life suffering in a deathbed, which is the case when euthanasia is more required, cannot be considered real life.

On the other hand we have detractors of the practice of euthanasia. They say that they claim the human right to live. Doctors don’t really like euthanasia because they have the feeling that they are killing someone. Others even appeal to religion, saying that God is the only one who can decide the end of someone’s life.

On balance, the variety of attitudes toward euthanasia makes this a polemical topic which is difficult to be solved. What is clear is that someone who has decided to put an end to his life has to feel totally hopeless. We never know how difficult such situations are until we are involved in them. So I would like to see how long all these “defenders of life” would last with a painful disease without being able to do anything…

Borja Pons Torres, 2ndB. 

2 comentarios:

  1. Well done, Borja. As you can see, I've made a few suggestions in blue. Try to correct the mistakes and add C2 in the title.

  2. Excellent! Only one mistake, remember that the plural of "this" is "these" ( supporters/defenders- plural)
