26 feb 2013

Smoking ban (Final Version)

In January 2011 the government implanted a new law which bans smoking in public places like restaurants, schools, playgrounds, high schools, bars… and says that publicity or movies mustn’t show any scenes in which people are smoking. This law was implanted in order to reduce the number of diseases caused by smoking.

People who are in favor have lots of arguments to support the law. Firstly all the people, who before this law were affected by the smokers and consequently were passive smokers, can go to public places like restaurants or other places, without worrying to be passive smokers, as a result, not only people who go to the restaurants or other places but also the employers who work in public places, will decrease the risk of diseases produced by the smoke of tobacco. Secondly, everybody who smokes wants to stop smoking, because nobody in this planet likes to die, and this law helps people to stop smoking. Thirdly, the government will save money because of the decrease of diseases caused by the smoke, and maybe they will invest in other things like education, but now a day, this money would go to a secret count in Switzerland, but this is another topic. 

But some people are opposed to this law, because they think that this law restricts their freedom. Along with these people, are the industries which export, prepare and sell the tobacco. These industries are the real losers, because they will reduce a lot their profits, and consequently they  will be  angry and say to the smoker that “this law is banning their freedom”. 

Personally, I think that this law is good for everybody, because tobacco is a drug which kills you; and, smoking can’t be banned because people spend a lot of money on tobacco, the people who don’t smoke don’t have to suffer because of the smokers, because if you are a passive smoker, you have a lot of possibilities to have cancer or breathing problems.

1 comentario:

  1. When you corrected the essay you should have put C2.
    Now read the words in blue and change
    the colour. Then add (Final version) to the title.
