22 feb 2013

ANIMAL EXPERIMENT (final version)

At the moment, in most developed countries it is legal to experiment on animals in order to find out how to cure diseases.  There are arguments both for and against  this practice.

On the one hand many people claim that animal testing is a cruel form of exploration. The experimentation on animals causes  pain and suffering. Sometimes at the beginning of an experiment, scientists cannot apply their researches on humans for the effects these might have. Moreover,  lots of experiments are unnecessary.

On the other hand animal experimentation has become a very important way to find cures, advances and treatments for lot of diseases. Furthermore animal experiments are more reliable than other methods.

In addition, although this topic causes a moral problem for me I think it is necessary to advance and help  mankind. However, scientists should try to take  care of the animals as much as possible.

Sergi Olvera Maneu 2n Batx A

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