24 feb 2013

Gay adoption C2

Nowadays homosexuality is a reality accepted only by a few countries, in spite of having a lot of homosexuals around the world who are politicians, doctors, etc. Even so in some of the countries which accept homosexuality, gay adoption is not accepted. Although the kid adopted could have the best parents of the world, it isn’t accepted because they’re gays. In this topic we can find some arguments for and against.

On the one hand, people who are against gay adoption argue that a kid needs a mother and a father, and this kid will not be able to be a normal person. Also, they say the gay relationship doesn’t last very long, and if gays adopt a kid, this kid will be gay as well. Finally, they say if a kid is adopted in an area where gays are not accepted, the kid will be outcast.

On the other hand, people who think that gay adoptions would be legal say that a kid can get a personality development totally normal having two fathers or two mothers. Also, who is adopted by two parents is going to learn a higher diversity of options. Although the kid who grows up with two parents of the same sex, he will be able to decide to be heterosexual or homosexual, the parents don’t force him to be gay, when the kid develops he decides to be gay or not. The influence that the kid receives from his parents is less high that the influence from the society, so have got gay parents is not an inconvenient for his development.

In conclusion I think that gays can adopt kids. It’s easy to explain: gays are humans, all the humans have got  the right of having sons or adopt one, ergo they can adopt a kid. If Catholics say that gay adoption is against the word of God, it doesn’t matter. The bible doesn’t say anything about gay adoption. I believe that if two persons of the same sex love each other they can have a kid.

Joel Pampillón Florit 2batx B

1 comentario:

  1. Good job, but you forgot to put the label and write your name, surname and group!
