24 feb 2013


Currently eBooks have become the best thing to give at Christmas or Birthdays. Lots of people prefer them to paper books. But are they really good for us and our society?

On the one hand, eBooks are very easy to carry and quite light so you can carry  them with you wherever you go. In addition, an eBook is environmentally friendly because it doesn’t waste ink or paper from cutting trees and this is an important thing for the environment. Furthermore, one of the strongest arguments for eBooks is that they can download and keep thousands of books and they don’t need a big bookcase to put them there. You just have to put them away in a drawer. Finally, eBooks are - much cheaper than only a book and they are a good option if you love reading.

On the other hand, there are some ideas against eBooks. Firstly, they could make bookshops or libraries close because of their reduction of sales or visitors. Secondly, reading in front of a screen is not good for our health because it can produce eyestrain. What’s more, next generations won’t know what a book or paper is. They won’t feel the sense of having a book in their hands and - the smell of the paper either. Therefore, and eBook is just a technological machine so it can break down and you could lose all your books you had. Because of this, then you will have neither and eBook nor a paper book.

On balance, I think eBooks are a great idea but, in my case, I wouldn’t buy them because I don’t like reading on a screen, neither a book nor anything. Also, I don’t want to have more eye  problems than I have. All in all, I prefer paper books.

                                                                                                     ROSA MONJO       2n Batxillerat B

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