25 feb 2012


Abortion in Spain has been legalized since July 5, 2010. It has been a quite controversial issue, however, nowadays global recession has pushed this matter into the background.

On the one hand, some people think it is a good idea if you are young and you have had an absentmindedness or if you know your baby is deformed and you do not want your baby to suffer a hard life. Moreover, it is a good way to stop a child’s birth whose mother has been raped. Some people defend this idea if children’s parents have trouble with drugs or money and know the baby’s life will be awful.

On the other hand, some people criticize abortion because it means taking the life of another human without punishment and say that if it is used as a contraception method it is not correct because contraception should be taken before. Furthermore, in case of rape, the child is not responsible, so he or she shouldn’t be killed. Women who have an abortion usually regret it later because this decision is usually taken when the women are young and inexperienced.

To conclude, I am definitely against this way of killing an innocent, nevertheless, I think people should be able to use this method in case of rape. The way I see it, abortion shouldn’t be legal or at least shouldn’t be so easy to get free from your responsibility.

Sara Ortego Huguet 2ºA

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