11 feb 2012


As most people know, Osama Bin Laden, head of Al Qaeda  and responsible for hundreds of deaths in terrorist attacks, such as those in New York and Madrid, was recently killed by an American armed forces unit after many years of searching.  There are, obviously, many different opinions about this killing from people all over the world.

On the one hand, there are people who are clearly glad, some even ecstatic, that this man is dead.  I would say that most Americans share this point of view, because either they have had family or friends killed in these tragic acts of terrorism or they are simply very patriotic and wanted the man responsible for all these deaths to get what he deserved.

On the other hand, there are people who don’t believe it was right to kill him.  In this group we can distinguish Bin Laden’s followers who, obviously, wanted to keep him alive, and people who, even though they don’t agree with the things he has done, don’t believe that he deserved to be killed.

Either way, Osama Bin Landen was a man who had committed horrible, criminal acts of terrorism and deserved to be punished in some shape or form.

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